
#健全な懐疑心 #Healthy_Skepticism、、これを持つ目と判断力を育てること、それを可能にする一定の教養、また権威にやられない心の強さと勇気を育てることがあらゆる教育(特に高等教育)の究極の目的の一つだと思う。


#Healthy_Skepticism, I think one of the ultimate goals of any education (especially in higher education) is to develop the eyes and judgment to have this, a certain level of liberal arts to make this possible, and the strength of mind and courage to not be beaten by authority.

This is often mistaken for the ability to invent a pretext for a quarrel, but this is different at all, as it simply indicates a lack of education, lack of understanding of context, poor ability to understand complex structures, and a lack of ability to think analytically.