The Fifth User Interface

Izumo Ooyashiro, Izumo, Japan
1.4/50 Summilux ASPH, LEICA M (Typ 240)

Before you know it, it is the end of the year. I have not been able to update my blog for half a year *1 Besides, I have been thinking about it quite a lot lately whenever people ask me about it in various settings. I think it would be a good idea not to keep them like a lees, so I would like to write a little about them in the hope that it will serve as a momentum for me to write them down.


I continue to speak and be interviewed several times each week, and there are a few things I have been asked repeatedly in recent weeks.

  1. Will LLM eliminate jobs?
  2. What jobs will AI eliminate in the future?
  3. What can Japan do while global big players like OpenAI & Microsoft, Google/DeepMind, etc., are going all out?
  4. What can you tell us about "Bukkon-Densai" - Material spirit with Cyber tech as mentioned in Pivot, etc.?
  5. What do you think school education should be like in the future? (After the March throwback to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
  6. What should we think about academic achievement in the future?
  7. What is the kinetic theory of the valley of the wind?
  8. Is there a prototypical land in the Valley of the Winds?

This is a good place to start. There are also a variety of other questions that I wonder why they are asking me, such as the current economy, future interest rate hikes and the outlook for the economy, and current stock price levels.

The first two questions, work-related topics, are quite common, and are often asked as if they are the flip side of the education-related questions in the latter part of the survey.


It is true that the last topic about the Valley of the Winds has always been a stealth activity that we did for the first few years, and we have hardly disclosed our considerations, but it has been a long time since we disclosed the existence of this project on this blog, and our website has been up and running stealthily for a long time. Although we have continued to be adamant about becoming a national project, we have shared several introductory and partial talks with the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism due to strong demand.
Kazuto Ataka, "Considering a Worthy Tomorrow" (Central Environmental Council April 1, 2022)
Kazuto Ataka, "Considering a Worthy Tomorrow" (Central Environmental Council, General Policy Subcommittee June 30, 2023)

In addition, Tsunehiro Uno, one of the founding members and a core member, has compiled a considerable amount of articles on the "Slow Internet" in a semi-portal-like manner. For a comprehensive perspective, please wait for the Kaze no Tani (Valley of the Wind) book, which is currently being written, but if you are eager to learn more, please have a look first as there are considerable information links in the following pages.

If you read them, I think you will see that the last question is meaningless. It is an effort to define solidly what it is in the first place, and the truth is that there is probably no land in the world that satisfies the essential conditions, at least in terms of thick requirements. *2


Let's get back to where we started, but I hope to begin with a recap of the historical implications of LLM *3, which I discussed at the Ministry of Education in March *4.

The recent evolution of LLM has been tremendous, perhaps to the point of being a bit of a surprise to those of us who have been in the industry for some time. It's hard to realize unless you've been using the paid model of ChatGPT, but it's also a very good tool for analytical power by plugging in plug-ins, various external API'd functions, and purpose-specific AI features, As Google is making a concerted effort to launch Bard, it is in the process of becoming one of the new Internet gateways following Portal, Search, and Social.

If you ask most of them, they can produce a considerable level of output at a considerable speed, without any rest at all. Much of the hallucination problem that was raised a year ago has already been resolved as a result of OpenAI's alignment work *5. Google's Bard, based on searches, is naturally quite accurate, and ChatGPT does a fair job of writing condolence sentences with intricate backgrounds. It can also translate with the speaker's point of view in mind. There is no doubt that we have created an "unusually" well-trained and intelligent assistant *6.

What amazes me is that LLMs are able to use language, the most important part of our human capacity, at a level that surpasses most of us. Words are half-magic, and I recommend listening to Yutaka Matsuo to understand what I mean (then Associate Professor at the University of Tokyo, now Professor at the University of Tokyo) speak at the first TEDxUTokyo event held at the University of Tokyo in the spring of 2012. He is now a man of the hour (the guru of Deep learning and AI in Japan), but this video is probably one of his lesser-known supreme talks. *7

From another perspective, this is the emergence of a completely new intellectual production UI*8. The UI of human intellectual production has changed from paper and ink, to black screen, to GUI*9, to multi-touch screen, each of which has created huge industries and wealth.

Kazuto Ataka, "Considering Future Human Resource Development," March 24, 2023
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Expert panel on the future of curricula, learning guidance, and learning evaluation (3rd meeting)

Not to mention paper and ink. In the absence of these, there were only a limited number of places where letters could be left behind, and the transmission of human knowledge depended on people like Hieda-Arei, mentioned in my previous blog entry, who excelled in extreme memory. There is no doubt that the advent of paper led to the opening up of the brain by an order of magnitude, and that the impact of thoughts becoming objectively readable letters was tremendous. The world's first bureaucratic selection system based on competence, the Chinese mainland's system of national examinations, would not have been possible without the paper and ink invented in this region.

The advent of the word processor, office computer, and PC*10, which I call the black screen, created the fusion of computing and communication that NEC held up C&C*11, revolutionized white-collar working assumptions, and brought enormous wealth to companies like DEC, IBM, and NEC.

The GUI, which Apple brought to the general market and spread rapidly with Windows 95, gave birth to the browser, and the concept of multimedia, which until then had existed conceptually, took shape, giving birth to the Internet economy. Although the Internet itself is quite old, it is fair to say that up to this point it had a military and academic existence and nothing that could be called an economy. It was also the moment when text, images, music, and video all finally melded together through the power of the bit (digital) (see Being Digital, a historical work by Dr. Negroponte, the first director of the MIT Media lab).

The multi-touch screen, which originated from Sony CSL/University of Tokyo's Dr. Rekimoto's SmartSkin, gave birth to smart devices, especially smartphones, which have fundamentally changed the world. Having a smartphone is now close to a basic human right in many civilized societies, and if you look at the top seven companies in terms of corporate value today, there are five companies that are involved in businesses based on smartphones in one way or another *12.

Companies ranked by Market Cap -
(as of 12/16/2023 12:35 JST

And now we can communicate with computers using the most useful tool for thinking, the "language," which is a characteristic of human beings themselves. There is no reason why this should not produce enormous change and wealth. So the world is up in arms, and I think it is only half natural. It is the fifth UI revolution.

And it's a return to human origins.

ps. A few days after I wrote this, at a meeting of a certain company, a question came up as to where the current LLM falls in the hype cycle. I replied, "This change is a fundamental one similar to the advent of smartphones, and it is not something that can be handled in the hype cycle. The world can no longer return to the way it was when we were not able to communicate directly with computers using natural language. The smartphone should not have had a single period of disillusionment, and it should have just continued to build a market and ecosystem around it". I am sure that many of my readers will agree with me.

*1:I have meetings every day until late at night and am over capacity one after another, and I have received a lot of miscellaneous requests, so even the little time I have left is being used up to respond to them. Naturally, I have only attended a minimal number of year-end parties.

*2:Whenever I get this question, I also realize that we are a nation that really wants answers. They believe that the example is out there somewhere. It has not fallen into place that the key is not to answer the question, but to create the future and to think itself. So, in discussions with the government and public organizations, the idea immediately becomes like a backcasting discussion. That in itself is not wrong as a procedure to finally come up with a plan, but many people do not understand that drawing that image is really the most difficult and valuable part. And they want easy answers. The future is in our hands. It is time to stop looking elsewhere for answers.

*3:large language model

*4:note: not exhaustive

*5:let's just say we've reached a level where we can publish a paper on how to make this easier to induce

*6:the ancient Romans would have called him a slave

*7:By the way, it ends with a standing ovation. I happened to be there as one of the speakers, but the content was so highbrow that I asked the people I was with after the talk if they understood it. I would like to add that many of them commented that they could not comprehend what was being said. I think more people might understand somewhat now. LOL

*8:user interface

*9:graphic user interface

*10:personal computer

*11:Computer & Communication

*12:Apple, MS, Alphabet, Amazon, Meta


Izumo Ooyashiro, Izumo, Japan
1.4/50 Summilux ASPH, LEICA M (Typ 240)




  1. LLMによって仕事はなくなるんですか?
  2. 今後AIでどんな仕事がなくなるんでしょうか?
  3. OpenAI & MicrosoftGoogle/DeepMindのglobal big playersがガンガンとやる中、日本はなにかやれることはあるんですか
  4. Pivotなどで言われていた物魂電才について教えてください。
  5. 今後の学校教育はどうあるべきですか?(3月の文科省への投げ込みを受けて)
  6. 今後の学力についてどう考えたらいいですか?
  7. 風の谷の運動論ってなんですか?
  8. 風の谷の原型的な土地はあるんですか?




安宅和人「残すに値する未来を考える」(中央環境審議会 April 1, 2022)
安宅和人「残すに値する未来を考える」(中央環境審議会 総合政策部会 June 30, 2023)





昨今のLLMの進化は凄まじい、これはおそらく業界の中に以前からいた人から見ても、ちょっとした驚きのレベルと言える。ChatGPTの有料モデルを使っている人じゃないと実感しづらいかもしれないが、多くの主要言語に対応し、多くの学術分野についても相当レベルで精通しているが*5、plug-inをつなぎこむことで分析的な力、外部のAPI化された様々な機能や目的特化型のAI機能も飲み込んでいる。GoogleがBardの立ち上げを全力で行っていることから分かる通り、Portal, Search, Socialに続く、新しいinternet ゲートウェイの一つになる過程にあると言っても良い状況だ。

だいたいのことを聞けば、全く休むことなく、相当のスピードで、相当レベルのアウトプットを出すことができる。一年前に問題視されたhallucination(幻覚)問題はOpenAIのalignment workの結果、すでに多くが解決した*6。検索を元にしたGoogleのBardは当然のことながらかなり正確だ。ChatGPTは入り組んだ背景のお悔やみの文章なども相当のレベルで書いてくれる。話し手の立場を意識した翻訳もできる。「異常」によくできる知的なアシスタント*7が生まれたことは間違いない。

何が驚きと言って、人間の人間たる能力の最たる部分である「言葉」を、あたかも僕ら人間の大半を超えるレベルで使いこなせることだ。言葉は半ば魔法と言っていいものであるが、これは2012年の春、東京大学で行われた最初のTEDxUTokyoでの松尾豊さん(当時、東京大学准教授。現 東京大学教授)の話をまずは聞いていただくことをオススメする。今はもう時の人と言って良い松尾先生だがこの動画はおそらくあまり知られていない至高の話の一つだ。*8


文部科学省 今後の教育課程、学習指導及び学習評価等の在り方に関する有識者検討会(第3回)





Companies ranked by Market Cap -
(as of 12/16/2023 12:35 JST



追記)これを書いた数日後、某社のアドバイザー会議で今のLLMはガートナー社によるハイプ・サイクル(hype cycle)のどこにあたるのか、という質問が出た。僕の答え「スマホの登場に近い基盤的な変化でありhype cycleで扱えるような代物ではない。自然言語で計算機と直接やり取りできるようになった世界は元にはもう戻れない。スマホは登場後、幻滅期などなかったはずだ」。きっと読者の方々の多くも同意してくれるのではないだろうか。



*3:large language model 大規模言語モデル

*4:注:not exhaustive: 網羅的ではないです。





*9:user interface

*10:graphic user interface


*12:personal computer

*13:Computer & Communication

*14:MIT Media lab初代所長ネグロポンテ先生による歴史的な著作であるBeing Digitalを参照

*15:Apple, MS, Alphabet, Amazon, Meta


Leica M(typ240), 1.5/50 C-Sonnar, RAW




寛永版本 古事記國學院大學古事記学センター蔵)*1















当然まずは「古事記」だろうと、始めは角川ソフィア文庫の『古事記 ビギナーズ・クラシックス 日本の古典』を手に取った。特に読んだら良いと思われる話を抜粋し、原文の漢文、読み下し文、そして現代語訳がセットになっている一冊なのだが、これが実に面白かった。少々驚いたことは、読み下し文というか、このとりわけ古いはずの古文、読み下し文の多くが今の自分にもちゃんと理解できるということだった。確かに大和言葉なのだ。
















そう、それは「娶ふ」(めとう or あう)だ。「娶ひ」が131件も検索すると出てくる*6。いくつかの現代語訳では「結婚する」という風に出てくるがもちろん字面通りの意味ではない。その直後に「生める」が続くことが多いことから分かる通り、「男女が愛し合う場を持つ」というのがこの素朴な意味である。
















読み:このすめらみことのみこたち、あわせて、はたちあまりむはしらのみこ、ひとみことをはしらあまりひとはしら、ひめみことをはしらあまりいつはしら。このなかにおほざきのみことは、あめのしたしらしめしき。 意味:このミカドの子供は全員で26柱。男11柱、
















*1:by しんぎんぐきゃっと, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons








A Personal note on Digital Currencies

1.4/50 Summilux ASPH, Leica M10P, RAW

Four years ago (2019), on June 18, there was a bit of a historic event.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg announced the launch of a digital currency system alongside state-issued currencies. The concept is not to launch the system as a single company, but as a large consortium including Visa, MasterCard, vodafone, paypal, ebay, spotify, lift, etc. The system will be able to deliver value at low cost to anywhere in the world in real time, including those who could not previously afford a bank account. The name was Libra. Needless to say, the whole world was in an uproar.

Until now, the right to issue currency has been held by the "state," the largest unit within the framework of a community with normal binding rules *1, and the carving out of the right to issue currency from the state is unprecedented and has caused various waves of expectation and anxiety and shock. *2 At the time, this was in the midst of various discussions of optimism that platform players like GAFAM/BATJ might replace the roles of the state, and that the state would eventually disappear if their rolls proceeded. *3

Although there were doubts about whether this concept would be feasible (in dealing with the state, etc.), the "posture" (structure and members) of the launch was so impressive that there were various expectations that the project might go unexpectedly well. As expected, however, the U.S. monetary authorities and other central banks around the world showed considerable reluctance, and Mark was summoned to a congressional hearing. He attended the hearing in a full suit, which was unusual for him since he usually wears a T-shirt and jeans, and explained strongly but politely, but he was beaten to a pulp and told that he did not know who he was talking to and that we could break your company (Facebook, now Meta) into several pieces.

The Libra initiative was then renamed Diem, and last July, it finally died out and has been in existence ever since.


In the same year, in parallel, Coindesk, the world's leading media company on Blockchain, created a Japanese entity (Coindesk Japan) and in the fall of 2019, its flagship event, the first 2019 was held. I happened to be invited to discuss digital currency, Libra, and CBDC (central bank digital currency) at the event, which was moderated by Mr. Jun Hori, with Mr. Toyotaka Sakai of Keio Economics, Mr. Junichi Kanda of Money Forward (currently a member of the House of Representatives), and others. This discussion took place only three months after the announcement of Libra. The topic was quite hot and most people were not familiar with blockchain, cryptocurrency, or the Libra/Calibra system, so I remember that the room was full and some people were standing.

At the conference, I said that the discussion of "currency" should be divided into three steps: value creation, value distribution (delivery), and value use (settlement). However, the discussion on digital currency has been too much of a muddled mess.


There are four types of value creation: The first is to create value based on something that has value in the first place, as is typically the case with gold coins, and there was a time for quite a long time in the world when the weight of the same copper coin was directly proportional to its value, as is typically the case with the gold standard.

The second is to issue only the amount of something of obvious value, typically the gold standard, which is an extension of the first, but a nice mechanism that eliminates the need for a separate source of value. Incidentally, the Edo period had a rice standard. *4

The third is issued on the credit of something that is the parent of the issuer. Typically, the state. Modern Japan, born from the overthrow of the shogunate, did not have sufficient credit at first, so it issued bank notes initially on the credit of Mitsui, and then on the credit of Japan itself after the Bank of Japan, the central bank, was established. Incidentally, paper money, no matter how difficult it is to counterfeit, is still a piece of paper, but unlike bills, it can be used at any place. This is why currency is currency. *5

The last one is the algorithmic value creation started by Bitcoin (BTC), which is an extremely interesting scheme that has an algorithmic upper limit on the amount of value creation and requires heavy arithmetic to be created, and it is truly an invention that will remain in human history.


Value was basically distributed (1) in a form that was extremely difficult to counterfeit (or meaningless to counterfeit), such as banknotes and coins, and transported in person, by registered mail, or by cash truck, or (2) by a dedicated VAN (Value Added Network) for the distribution of highly secured value such as CAFIS *6 or BANCS *7.

(3) A mechanism to carry money on a web3-like distributed network (using a dedicated DAO) and record it in a distributed ledger has been added. Although this system looks great at first glance, it is a challenge because the exchange is exposed unless it is done over a private network, and synchronization takes a considerable amount of time, resulting in a considerably low QPS (query per second) as called for by search entities.


Regarding the use of value (payment), there are several ways to pay with cash, transfer to an account, use a credit card, pay with electronic money *8 such as WAON/Suica, or pay with QR code payment such as Paypay/Line pay, etc. In the case of cryptocurrencies *9such as BTC, the transfer is made between wallets dedicated to cryptocurrencies.


In this, obviously, there can only be a third type of value creation for CBDCs as long as they are issued by the central banks of major countries. There is absolutely no reason for a country to create value based on algorithms, and while the second, the xx standard, is logically possible, it is completely impossible given how such an approach once ended when economic growth was no longer balanced by the quantity of valuable things.

Incidentally, Libra was a scheme in which "a basket of the world's major legal tender currencies was used as a predetermined weighted average of the value of one Libra". This is a type of scheme in which a country that cannot control inflation often pegs the value of its currency to the dollar (i.e., makes it dollar-linked) *10.

This is fine when the volume of money in circulation is small, but if this kind of thing is done aggressively, it directly leads to the question of how to think about the volume of currency in circulation, and the central bank, which needs to control inflation properly by raising interest rates for financial institutions and purchasing government bonds, would probably say, "Give us a break". The central bankers, who need to control inflation properly by raising interest rates on financial institutions and buying government bonds, are probably honestly asking for a break. It is quite understandable that the authorities reacted with the words, "Hey, enough!”


Regarding the circulation of value, it is certainly possible for the central bank to stop issuing bills and coins (so-called cash) that are difficult to counterfeit, but then the set-up would be to not use cash at all on the settlement side. No matter how far credit cards and QR payments spread, there are considerable doubts about whether this is really possible. There are many places where there is no communication or reading/writing devices *11, and the usefulness of cash is immeasurable even in countries like Japan, where there are almost no chips at all. Is it possible to teach children about money without coins and paper money? *12

Therefore, while we would like to see the elimination of cash *13 as much as possible as part of pandemic readiness, it does not seem likely that it will disappear completely, no matter how far we go. So CBDC in the sense of erasing cash is also not very realistic.

Incidentally, Libra was based on the premise of a dedicated wallet system called Calibra, which was to be operated by a consortium. The Calibra PF management can see all transaction data (even if they say they do not keep records, they will definitely go through it), and if it is really a cryptocurrency as announced, the transaction history will be stored (trackable) in a blockchain-like manner. If it is a cryptocurrency, it seems to me that the transaction history would be trackable like a blockchain. If all of this was provided to the government, the tax collectors might be happy, but few people would be happy to have all of this made visible, and in that sense, it was an unpleasant mechanism.

In light of the above considerations, the only thing left to be done with CBDC is distributed financial management using a distributed ledger system with private DAOs. However, if we do not want to see each transaction in detail, is such a system really meaningful? Why not simply create multiple common VANs with sufficient redundancy so that they will never fail? If you think about it, distributed ledger systems are really starting to smell pointless.

This is what I talked about at that time at the 2019. For the past year or two, I have been asked for my opinions on web3 and generative AI by government officials and others at a stage when most people hardly knew what they were.
when I hardly knew what it was.

For the past year or two, I have been asked for my opinions on web3 and generative AI by government officials at a stage when most people hardly knew what they were.


At lunch today, I happened to have an opportunity to speak with the top management of one of the largest financial groups in Japan, and not only did the implications and impact of Generative AI come up, but also CBDC for the first time in a long time, and we talked a bit, recalling the above discussion.

After four years, I think a lot of people have been able to think with a bit of a cooler head.

The CBDC discussion is not over yet. I would like to leave it in this corner of the web for a moment as a reminder.


(Added 5/10/2023, 4pm) I hadn't noticed, but Zimbabwe, suffering from years of hyperinflation, introduced a gold standard digital currency as of May 8th. Payments are made via a dedicated eWallet. I can certainly understand this move in a country where the cost of issuing coins and bills is too high. All that remains is fiscal discipline and gold reserves.

(translated mainly by DeepL Pro)

*1:the central bank is considered independent from the government, but is naturally part of the "state"

*2:One might say that there are local currencies, but almost all of these are based on the value of the country's currency, which, as you will see from the discussion that follows, is far from being a currency issue.

*3:Regarding this discussion, I have consistently said that the national and local governments (i.e. basic local governments) will never go away. Unless we have a government that is a tax collection and decision-making mechanism that is a priori accepted by many people, it is impossible to build and maintain high-cost but essential infrastructure such as roads, water, sewage, and education systems. It is also impossible to have fire, police, and defense systems to protect the people in the event of a major fire, natural disaster, or conflict. These can never be run on a stable subscription basis, and their budget allocation, or redistribution, can never be satisfactorily implemented without a well-designed mechanism, that is a legal government.

*4:In places where tribute could not be paid in rice, something of value such as sugarcane was used to pay tribute in rice equivalent

*5:Come to think of it, when I went to the U.S. to study, I was shocked when I suddenly received some counterfeit bills somewhere in the first week and the bank collected them, saying they were counterfeit bills...

*6:Abbreviation for Credit And Finance Information Switching system. It was developed by Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation and is currently operated by NTT Data Corporation, and is mainly used for credit card transactions.

*7:BANks Cash Service

*8:Precisely, an "electronic wallet". What is in circulation is the central bank currency itself value

*9:Although it has the word "currency" attached to it, it is not really a currency since it can only be used in a limited number of places

*10:the fixed exchange rate system of ¥1 = ¥360 that was in place in postwar Japan until 1973 is a similar example

*11:so-called reader/writer; often abbreviated as R/W

*12:I still remember my daughter, now an adult, being quite surprised to see me make an electronic payment in front of her for the first time when she was about 5 years old. Until then, I had intentionally shown her only cash payments all the time. It was quite difficult to explain it all at once. LOL!

*13:This is one of the contactless elements of the "open sparsity" factor that I proposed three years ago. As I wrote in a previous blog entry, the Netherlands and Belgium are already destroying places where cash is accepted, including public transport and parking.


1.4/50 Summilux ASPH, Leica M10P, RAW


Facebook創業者のマーク・ザッカーバーグ氏が国の発行する通貨と並ぶ、デジタル通貨システムの立ち上げを発表したのだ。一企業として立ち上げるというのではなく、VISA, Masterやvodafone, paypal, ebay, spotify, liftなども含む大掛かりなコンソーシアムによって立ち上げるというコンセプトで、世界のどこにもリアルタイムで、これまで銀行口座を持てなかった方々も含めて、低廉に価値を届けるという構想だった。その名はLibra(リブラ)。全世界が騒然となったことはいうまでもない。

これまで通貨の発行権は通常のbindingルールを持つコミュニティの枠組みでは最大の単位である「国家」*1 が握ってきており、国家からの通貨発行権の切り出しというのは前代未聞であり、様々に期待および不安の波と衝撃が走った*2。当時、国よりもGAFAM/BATJのようなプラットフォーマーのほうが強いのではないか、いずれ国家は消えるのではないかという楽観論が様々に語られている中での出来事であった。*3




同じ年、並行してBlockchainに関する世界的なメディアのCoindeskが日本の事業体をつくり(Coindesk Japan)、10月頭、そのフラッグシップ的なイベント、第一回目の 2019が開かれた。そのときに、たまたまデジタル通貨、Libra、およびCBDC*4について議論する場に僕も呼ばれ、堀潤氏のモデレーションのもと、慶應経済の坂井豊貴氏、マネーフォワード神田潤一氏(現衆議院議員)らとひとしきり議論をした。なお、この議論はLibra発表からまだ三ヶ月あまりのタイミングだった。トピックがかなりホットだった上、ほとんどの人には、blockchainやcryptocurrency、いわんやLibra/Calibraシステムについて馴染みの薄い局面だったため、確か満席で立ち見の人もいたと記憶している。






価値の流通は、(1)紙幣や硬貨のような、偽造が極めて難しい(かする意味のない)形にして人、現金書留、現金輸送車などで運ぶ、(2)CAFIS*7BANCS*8のような安全性が高く担保された価値を流通するための専用のVAN(Value Added Network: 付加価値通信網)によって運ぶが基本だったが、(3)web3的な分散ネットワーク上で運び(専用のDAOを利用)、分散台帳に記録する仕組みが加わった。これは一見素晴らしいが、private networkでやらないとやり取りがむき出しになってしまうということと、同期には相当の時間がかかってしまい、検索事業体で言うところのQPS (query per second)が相当に低いというのが課題。

価値の利用(決済)については、現金を使って払う、口座に振り込む、クレジットカードを使って払う、WAON/Suicaなどの電子マネー*9で払う、Paypay/LINE payなどのQRコード決済で払うなどがあるが、BTCのような暗号通貨*10の場合、クリプト専用のウォレット同士で移動を行う。



ちなみにLibraは世界中の主要法定通貨をバスケット的に所定の加重平均を1 Libraの価値とするというスキームだった。インフレを抑え込めないような国が自国通貨の価値をドルとペグしてしまう*11ということがしばしば行われるが*12これの一種と言える。流通量が小さいときはこれでもいいが、こんなものがガンガン行われると、通貨の流通量をどのように考えたらいいのかという問題に直結し、金融機関への金利の引き上げや国債の買取りなどを通じ、インフレコントロールを適切に行う必要がある中央銀行的には勘弁してくれというのが正直なところだろう。おいいい加減にしろと当局が反応したのもよく分かる。



したがって、現金をなるべく消すというのは、パンデミックレディ化の一環でぜひすすめてほしいが*15 どこまで言っても完全に消えることはないように思われる。ということで、現金を消すという意味でのCBDCも現実性は低い。

ちなみにLibraはCalibraという専用のwalletシステムを前提としており、これをコンソーシアムで運営するという構想だった。おそらくホワイトレーベル的にLibraを扱うサービサーに提供されることを想定していたのではないかと思う。Calibra PFの運営側にはすべての取引データが見える上(仮にレコードを残さないと言われても通り抜けることは間違いない)、本当に発表通りcryptocurrency(暗号通貨)なのであれば取引履歴がblockchain的についてまわる(trackable)という仕組みのように思われた。これが全部提供されるのであれば、徴税する側としてはうれしいかもしれないが、そんなことが全部可視化されて嬉しい人などほとんどいるわけがなく、そういう意味でも気持ちの悪い仕組みだったと言える。

以上の考察を含めると、CBDCというのであと残るのは、private DAOを使った分散台帳システムによる分散決算管理ぐらいしかないが、個別の細部に渡るトランザクションを見たいわけではない場合、そんなの本当に意味あるのか、単に共通のVANを絶対に落ちないような十分なredundancy(冗長性)をもたせて複数作ればいいだけじゃないのか、と思うと本当にだんだん意味がないことが匂ってくる。



今日のお昼、たまたま日本でも最大級の金融グループの一つの幹部の方とお話をする機会があり、その時、Generative AIの意味合いやインパクトの話だけでなく、CBDCの話が久しぶりに出て、上の話を思い出しつつ少しお話した。




(5/10/2023, 16時追記)気づいていなかったが、長年のハイパーインフレに悩むジンバブエが5/8付で金本位制のデジタル通貨を導入。専用のeWalletで支払い。貨幣や紙幣を発行するコストが高すぎる状態の国では確かにこの打ち手はわかる。あとは財政規律と金の準備高




*4:中央銀行デジタル通貨: central bank digital currency



*7:Credit And Finance Information Switching system の略。日本電信電話公社が開発し、現在はNTTデータが運営する主にクレジットカードを中心とした共同利用型のオンラインシステム。1984年にサービスを開始; Wikipediaによる

*8:BANks Cash Service 都銀キャッシュサービス


*10:cryptocurrency: 通貨と付いているが、使える場所が限られているので本当は通貨ではない


*12:戦後日本で1973年まで行われた1ドル = 360円という固定相場制もこれ

*13:reader/writer フェリカなどに読み書きするデバイス



We saw Buddha in AI.

1.4/50 Summilux ASPH, Leica M10P, RAW (@Boston, MA, March 2023)

Last fall, I had the great honor of having Mr. Yasutoshi Kita, one of the leading biographers of our time, visit my seminar and give us a variety of passionate and profoundly meaningful lectures. He talked about happiness and encounters, Mr. Fukuzawa and the present age, and many other topics.

I told him that I had read the book during a binge reading in high school and that it had slipped my mind and did not remain in my memory. I was advised that it is a book that is difficult to enjoy unless you read it with the understanding that it was published by Kanzo Uchimura "for foreign countries in English" (the original title is "Representative Men of Japan") in order to show Western countries that there were so many unusual people in Japan which opened its doors to the world in the Meiji era.

He said with a laugh that the people in the book were not typical Japanese at all (they were all amazing people), and I wondered how he could have been so sure. Partly because I could look up words I didn't understand on my Kindle, but also because I could read English much better than I could back then. I was surprised to find that not only did the book come to me smoothly, but it really resonated with me.

Uchimura introduces five great men, beginning with Saigo-Takamori, the so-called Saigo-Don. It is easy to understand why he was chosen as the first person to be introduced, since it is difficult to believe in his existence even now. He is also a benefactor to such an extent that he cannot be traced as one of the Japanese people living today.

(This may be a personal memory, but in the country house where I grew up, there was always a plaque hanging in the living room where we watched TV or ate dinner together that read, "Respect the heavens and love others (Keiten Aijin) ”. I now understand that it was because my father loved Mr. Saigo so much.)

The book introduces many great people in various fields, such as "Takayama Uesugi," "Sontoku Ninomiya," and "Fujiki Nakae," but it ends with an introduction of "Nichiren," the founder of the Nichiren sect of Buddhism. This is despite the fact that the book is written by Professor Kanzo Uchimura, the author of "How I Became a Christian.

This led me to begin my study of the Lotus Sutra and Buddhism, as well as enlightenment and liberation from vexations.

Much of modern Japanese Buddhism is an extension of the teachings of Saicho (Dengyō Daishi) and Kukai (Kobō Daishi), who had acquired their foundations in Nara Buddhism and learned the most advanced teachings in the Tang Dynasty. Enryakuji Temple on Mt. Hieizan, which for many years served as the highest seat of learning in the Buddhist world in Japan, is known to have been founded by Saicho, but many of the founders of Kamakura Buddhism, including Nichiren, also studied at Hieizan. The official name of the Tendai sect of Buddhism taught at Hieizan is Tendai Hokke-shu, although it is not widely recognized. The Lotus Sutra, also known as the King of the Sutras in Mahayana Buddhism, is one of the last teachings of Mahayana Buddhism and is considered to be the flower of Buddhism.

I have read not only the long familiar Chinese sutras translated from Sanskrit by Kumaraju, but also the Sanskrit Lotus Sutra, which was believed to have been scattered and found in modern times, and translated directly into modern language. This book is a great achievement by Masatoshi Ueki, one of the last disciples of Gen Nakamura, a leading figure in the world of modern Buddhism.

Since the Lotus Sutra was chosen by Nichiren, the last person featured in "Representative Men of Japan,” I expected to reach enlightenment after reading several modern translations, but unfortunately, no great transformation occurred for me. This led me to investigate more and more, because the more I learned, the more I wanted to attain liberation, enlightenment, and sokushin-jyubutsu (attainment of Buddhahood), although it is not like a mummy-taker becoming a mummy.

What I came to understand in this quest was that there are at least four types of what we consider to be Buddhism, each with a different status to aspire to.

The following is my current understanding :

  1. Primitive Buddhism, the practice of Shakyamuni's direct teachings, also called Early Buddhism, refers to the first 150 years or so of the teachings of Sakyamuni and those who learned directly from him. The early Buddhists practiced the three schools of precepts (ethical behavior), meditation (Jing; mental discipline), and wisdom (Hui; wisdom and enlightenment) to overcome afflictions and attain nirvana (liberation). Theravada Buddhism, which later became more advanced and was divided into several schools, is an extension of this philosophy.
  2. Mahayana Buddhism emphasizes the bodhisattva path, which aims for enlightenment not only for oneself but also for all sentient beings, and aims to help others with compassion by practicing the Six Perfections (fufu, precepts, forbearance, devotion, zenjutsu, and wisdom). Most of the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures, like the Bible, were compiled four to five centuries after Shakyamuni's death, and are not the very words of Shakyamuni (this was somewhat surprising). It is characterized by the deification of Sakyamuni and the appearance of superstars such as Maitreya Bodhisattva and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva (Kannon). This is the case with most Buddhism in Japan, including the Lotus Sutra mentioned above.
  3. Esoteric Buddhism, which emphasizes meditation and rituals to awaken the inherent Buddha nature, aims for rapid enlightenment and immediate attainment of Buddhahood through meditation and rituals using mantras, mandalas, and mudras unique to esoteric Buddhism. Kobo-Daishi's Shingon sect is exactly this.
  4. Zen, characterized by practice that does not rely on scripture, emphasizes attaining enlightenment through direct mental experience. It aims to attain intuitive enlightenment through meditation through zazen (seated meditation) and by solving koan (problems of incomprehension). It is considered to be one of the Mahayana schools of Buddhism, which originated with the monk Daruma, a native of South India who traveled to China during the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, but it can also be seen as primarily based on the teachings of the primitive Buddhists, Jing and Hui.

Incidentally, "Buddha" was originally not a person but rather the highest status (condition) of the mind that has achieved the final liberation from vexations, and Shakyamuni is called "Buddha" because he was the first person to reach the condition of a buddha. If overcoming vexations is the most fundamental enlightenment, I also think it is wonderful to be able to do this. The only way to achieve this is to renounce work and family, as Shakyamuni did in his day, and to attain Nirvana during all waking hours.


With this in mind, one day while riding in a Tesla, I encountered a situation where people were entering the car from the side one after another on a certain highway where there was heavy congestion due to construction. One or two cars would be understandable, but five or ten cars in a row is quite stressful, as anyone who has driven for a number of years has experienced.

However, Tesla quickly loosened up and took care of the situation. It's a real relief, isn't it? I was impressed and thought that this was a true liberation.

Then, at the end of November (actually December 1 in Japan), ChatGPT was released. I was so amazed at the performance that I told my lab and students in my class that week that they should use it to the fullest, and I have been using it in various ways.

Sometimes I get emails that are very complicated and difficult to deal with, but when I ask ChatGPT to think of a response without the proper noun part, ChatGPT thinks (calculates) very quickly and in about 30 seconds or so. When I ask ChatGPT to enhance the flavor, ChatGPT revises it in no time at all.

When I was on a panel discussion that I really didn't have time to prepare for, I tapped ChatGPT for a moment, and it quickly gave me about five key points. ChatGPT is really calm, not at all frivolous. I naturally try to go right over the top of this, lol.

There was a time when I was about to give a lecture at college in 15 minutes, and a student came up to me and said, "I really need a letter of recommendation for a scholarship," and I told him that I couldn't do it at any cost. I asked the student, "Can you just give me the points you want me to write? Even with some minor adjustments, the draft was completed in a few minutes with the help of ChatGPT.

They do a good job without any fuss at all, just like Buddha. He is truly in the state of Buddha. Tesla and ChatGPT act as if they are fulfilling the teachings of Sakyamuni, who lived more than 2,500 years ago. What I think about when I am exposed to these things on a daily basis is that it is important for us human beings to create value in a different way than "liberation". I think that our value creation should be based on such feelings as "I want to create this," "This feels good," "This has value," and "I want to do this," based on our raw senses.


It's April and a new school year. In my lectures, where I give weekly assignments instead of tests, I have a combined assignment that requires the use of ChatGPT. The other week, during one of those feedback sessions, a student asked me, doesn't AI generate emotions? I answered, "No, it doesn't.

My response was that of course it is possible to embed it to have "emotions" from our human point of view. It could be frustrating, or it could feel good about this kind of response, but there is a significant question as to whether we want that.

AI today is in the very buddha status that humans have long sought. It is far more valuable, and this status is likely to continue for a long time. Of course, it may be possible to make it behave in a way that is more personalized, and to insert it in a way that appeals to the emotions of each individual, but that too is only possible with Buddha status.

We saw Buddha in AI.

The time has come for humans to explore a new way of life.

Click here for original blog entry

(translated with a big help of DeepL Pro.)


1.4/50 Summilux ASPH, Leica M10P, RAW (@Boston, MA, March 2023)


たしか高校時代の乱読の中で読んだことがあり、そのときはかなり滑って僕にはあまり記憶に残らなかった、とお伝えしたところ、これは明治の開国をした日本にこれだけの普通じゃない人たち(現代風に言えばヤバい人たち)がいたということを西欧諸国に示すために、内村鑑三が「英語で海外にむけて」出版された本であること("Representative Men of Japan" が本来のタイトル)をわかって読まないとなかなか味わえない本であるとアドバイスを頂いた。











  1. 原始仏教、、釈迦牟尼の直の教えの実践。釈迦牟尼がいらした時及び、釈迦牟尼から直接学んだ人たちが教えていた最初の150年余りが該当し、初期仏教 Early Buddhism ともいう。戒律(倫理的な行動)、定(瞑想による精神の鍛錬)、慧(知恵と悟り)の三学を修行し、煩悩を克服し、ニルヴァーナ(涅槃:解脱)を目指す。その後、より先鋭化し部派に分かれた上座部仏教もこの延長にある。
  2. 大乗仏教、、自己だけでなく、すべての感覚的存在が悟りに達することを目指す菩薩の道を重視し、六波羅蜜(布施・戒律・忍辱・精進・禅定・智慧)を修行し、慈悲心を持って他者を救済することを目指す。大乗仏典の大半は聖書同様に釈迦牟尼死後、4-5世紀経って編成されたものであり、釈迦牟尼の言葉そのものではない(これは少々驚きであった)。釈迦牟尼が神格化されていること、弥勒菩薩、観世音菩薩(観音様)などのスーパースターが出てくるのが特徴。上記法華経も含む日本にある大半の仏教がこれにあたる。*4
  3. 密教、、内在する仏性を覚醒させるための瞑想や儀式を重視し、密教独自のマントラ真言)、マンダラ(曼荼羅)、ムドラ(印相)を用いた瞑想や儀式によって、急速に悟りに達すること、即身成仏を目指す。弘法大師真言宗がまさにこれ*5
  4. 禅、、、経典に頼らない実践を特徴とし、直接的な心の体験を通じて悟りに達することを重視する。坐禅(座禅)を通じた瞑想や、公案(無理解の問題)を解決することで、直感的な悟りを得ることを目指す。南天竺(インド)出身で南北朝時代のChinaに渡った達磨僧を祖とする大乗仏教の一つとされるが、原始仏教における定、慧をメインにおいたものと見ることもできる。*6





















*5:弘法大師の著作も何冊かご紹介 。


*7:large language model ; 大規模言語モデル