
Chinkokuji-temple, Munakata, Fukuoka, Japan
Leica M10P, 1.4/50 Summilux, RAW



  • 曰く、世界は人口調整局面にあり、人口が減ることを前提とした社会を作る必要がある。これは教育だけでなく、あらゆる分野で起きる。この展望を受入れ、その変化とソフトランディングを担う人材を育てていく必要がある。
  • 曰く、既にデータやAIを使い倒したプラットフォーム企業が世界の企業価値のトップになって久しい。これはこれらの企業が最も「新しい不可欠な価値を」生み出しているということを意味している。電気や化学の登場と同じで、どれほど懐かしく思ってもデータやAIがない世界に戻ることは考えられない。したがって新しく仕掛ける側の人がいなければそうとう厄介なことに。そのためには価値観と基礎素養の刷新が必要。
  • 曰く、New economy全盛に見えるかもしれないが、既に第三勢力の時代に突入し、あらゆる産業で産業の境が組み変わっていきつつある。例えば、富山を代表する産業である製薬。この数年間、世界で最も多くの人の命を救ったクスリはmRNAワクチンだが、これは実質的にbioinformaticsとgenetic engineeringの産物。薬草、化学合成、抗生物質探索とは相当に異質。この変化はクルマ、エネルギー、農業、金融、娯楽などあらゆる分野で起き始めており、産業は一見同じだとしても、全く異なる大局観と見立て(perspective)が必要になる。
  • 曰く、この変化を受け「単独の知」の時代は終了し、collective intelligence集合知の時代に突入している。人と人とのかかわり合いから現状と課題を知り、価値提供の方向を見出し、人を動かすことが大切になる。専門的な深さも大切だが、特定領域の専門性だけでは課題を解決ができない上、様々な価値をappreciateでき、様々な人とのつながりから楽しみつつ価値を生み出していく力が大切になる。



ということで、こういう変化を生み出せる人を育てられるのか、こういう変化を生み出す会社が欲する人を育てられるのか、、これが中等教育においても人材育成におけるkey questionであると。




A tram in Amsterdam , Netherland (August 2022)



Shinagawa station, Tokyo, Japan (August 2022)






2020年春「Withコロナ」という言葉を言い出し、このコロナナーバスな状態が少なくとも2年程度は続くと僕が言った時、厳戒的な状態から脱出する前提は社会に集団免疫が形成されることだった(参照:当ブログ「そろそろ全体を見た話が聞きたい2」 2020-04-04)。


なぜならパンデミックがロックダウンのような社会のスクラム停止ではなく、本質的に落ち着くためには特効薬が生まれるか、いわゆる"集団免疫 (herd immunity)" が形成されるしか方法が無く、結核やインフルの事例から分かる通り、特効薬の開発は数十年単位で掛かる可能性が高いからだ(実際そのとおりの展開)。集団免疫は自由落下(free fall)的に自然感染が広まるか、ワクチンを片っ端から打つ(ロールアウトする)ことのどちらかによって社会的な獲得が可能になる。集団免疫は最低6割、可能ならば8割を目指すべき、というのがCovidよりも感染力の高い麻疹の事例からほぼ自明だった。


ちなみに、現在は、といえば昨年秋からほぼ8割の人がかなりの免疫力=抗体価を持つ、いわゆる集団免疫獲得(当初は2度、現在は3度のワクチン接種もしくは、接種+自然感染による発症)状況にある。これは接種率、抗体価の低下、これまでの感染者数からのおおよその値だが、実際にそう考えなければ、デルタと比べて致死率 *5 が下がっているわけではないというオミクロン*6で重症化する割合がここまで桁違いに落ちることは説明困難だ。昨年夏の米国CDCの調べによるCovidワクチンの2度接種で入院、死亡リスクが約1/25になるというデータともオーダー的に合致している(拙ブログ「第5の波」に掲げたデータをご参照)。


デジタル庁 新型コロナワクチンの接種状況 (as of 10/30/2022)















Sekine M et al., Suspension of proactive recommendations for HPV vaccination has led to a significant increase in HPV infection rates in young Japanese women: real-world data. Lancet Reg Health West Pac. 2021 Oct 21;16:100300

Yagi et al., The looming health hazard: A wave of HPV-related cancers in Japan is becoming a reality due to the continued suspension of the governmental recommendation of HPV vaccine

子宮頸がんの診断数は年に約1.1万人、死亡数は約三千人(国立がん研究センターによる)。毎年漸増している(子宮頸がんとHPVワクチンに関する正しい理解のために|公益社団法人 日本産科婦人科学会)。次の図から分かる通り、ワクチンの効果は極めて高いことがわかっており、かつては二価だったが現在九価まででている(九種類のサブタイプに対応)。ワクチン接種によりこの多くが防げることは明らかだ。逆に言えば、ワクチン接種を止めてしまうのは潜在的に子宮頸がんの犠牲者だけで年間千人規模の人の命を失うことにもつながりうる。

Kurosawa et al., Long‐term effectiveness of HPV vaccination against HPV infection in young Japanese women: Real‐world data Cancer Science (31 January 2022)

また大きく誤解があるのはHPVワクチン = 子宮頸がんワクチン、という認識だ。実際には、子宮頸がんだけでなく、肛門ガン、舌ガン、陰茎ガンなど数多くの入り口、出口系のガンにHPVは深く関与している。逆に言えば、これらは数少ないワクチンで防ぐことができるガンの類だ。HPV感染は誰にとっても危険なものであり、実際には男女問わず打つべきワクチンであるといえる。

How Many Cancers Are Linked with HPV Each Year? | CDC










ps. 更にこの議論は横に展開し、昨日はついに将棋の元名人が、終盤戦、30分ほどマスクをしていなかったということで、その最高位の戦いであるA級順位戦で敗退をするという歴史に残る残念な事件があった。




One more thing..



感染者数のような同類に見える数字も同じ母数(例えば極端に人口組成が変わらない前提での人口10万人など)同士になるように、あるいは同じ割合で比較してはじめて意味があります。約1,400万人の人口を抱える東京都で感染者数が多いのは当たり前です。%は何を何で割っているのかを理解しなければ比較することはできません。A/Bの分母分子が同じ性質なもの同士で比較できているのか常に確認しましょう。本当にこれとこれを比較して意味があるのかを常に考えながらやってみることが大切です。(これをapple to appleとよく言います。)



(参考)Wikipediaがまとめた有名情報源の信頼度、、、Encyclopædia Britannicaですら△です。
Wikipedia:Reliable sources/Perennial sources - Wikipedia









11/14開催 データサイエンティスト協会の年に一度のシンポジウムです。メディア・コンテンツ解析の産総研 後藤先生、エクサウィザーズの石山さん、AIcia solidの中の人、杉山さんなど日本を代表する専門家が集結。僕もスキル定義委員会のセッションに登壇します。しかも懇親会までセット。学生はオンラインは何とタダ。申込みは11/11まで。定員に達する前にgo! 笑




*4:季節性インフルエンザの重症化率については第90回新型コロナウイルス感染症対策アドバイザリーボード(令和4年7月13日)資料6 を参照

*5:致死率 ≒ 感染率 x 感染時の重症化率 x(1-重症時の生存率)と考えられる。病院があふれると重症時の生存率が下がる。22年頭段階の米国では、以下のCDCの報告にある通り、オミクロンはデルタに比べ感染に約5倍しやすく、入院数が1.8倍に増大。これは感染時の入院率が約4割弱ということで、決して桁違いに入院率が下がっているわけではない。(そもそも感染性の高さのために致死数も増大) CDC : Trends in Disease Severity and Health Care Utilization During the Early Omicron Variant Period Compared with Previous SARS-CoV-2 High Transmission Periods — United States, December 2020–January 2022

*6: the mortality rate during the Omicron outbreak is still higher than at the peak of the Delta outbreak. Even with a higher fully vaccinated rate, the mortality rate during this period is still higher than the previous Delta outbreak. - Duong et al., Is the SARS CoV-2 Omicron Variant Deadlier and More Transmissible Than Delta Variant? Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Apr; 19(8): 4586 より

*7:mRNAワクチンの特性に加え、インフルを超える多様性と変異性の高さの相乗効果によるものと推定される。詳しくは阪大 宮坂昌之先生の「新型コロナの不安に答える」 (講談社現代新書)をご推奨



"Bukkon-Densai" - Material spirit with Cyber tech

For a long time I have been talking about the coming era of the third force.

It all started in 2015, when I was invited to a meeting of the New Industrial Structure Subcommittee of the Industrial Structure Council (ISC) of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) to understand the implications of the coming era and to consider necessary national initiatives and responses.

The Council was quite a distinguished group, including Mr. Nakanishi of Hitachi, who would later become Chairman of Keidanren, Ms. Namba of DeNA, who would become Vice Chairman, Mr. Kanemaru of the Future Architect, Mr. Kazuhiko Tomiyama of IGPI, Mr. Sato of Mizuho Financial Group, Mr. Yutaka Matsuo of Tokyo University, who was the first to alert us to the wonders of DLs, Ms. Kasumi Miyajima of Nihon TV, Mr. Takeo Doi of Keio Economics, Ms. Nanako Ishido of CANVAS, and many others. In retrospect, it was a terribly deep group of people. The chairperson was Motoshige Ito of the University of Tokyo. Incidentally, the moonshot concept also started with a suggestion made by Dr. Hiroaki Kitano of Sony CSL (currently Sony CTO), who was a special guest at one of the meetings of the Council.

The basic perspective that I presented to the Council seven years ago was that all industries would be transformed by the power of data and AI. Not only will many things be connected, but in particular, information identification systems, prediction systems, and execution systems, including image generation and picking, will all become automated and scalable. This will once again result in a quantum leap in human productivity. In addition to this period of technological innovation, the population has already entered an adjustment phase, and rather than the scale of business, it is the presence or absence of innovation for a hopeful future that will be the source of wealth, especially corporate value, which is central to the generation of wealth today. Of course, this is a strong version of Piketty's r>g from the previous year, i.e., that capital growth exceeds the growth of the normal economic scale. It all seems like common sense now (?). However, many people on the industrial side, who were not familiar with data and AI, found it valuable, and I made several additional presentations to deputy ministers and others.

At that time, I also mentioned that behind this change was the rapid evolution of information science, including massive log data generated by various Internet services and IoT devices, overwhelming computing power and bandwidth (increased by four orders of magnitude in 20 years) to enable its real-time utilization, machine learning, and algorithms such as deep learning, which had just emerged as actual services at the time. I also talked about the rapid evolution of information science, including machine learning, algorithms such as deep learning, which was just emerging as an actual service at the time, mass data processing, and mass data visualization technologies.

Incidentally, it was 2014, the previous year, when deep learning (DL) achieved remarkable results and caused a bit of a stir in the industry, a small part of which had been overworking machine learning, as if it was real. It is a history now that Google Photo, which came out a few months before I made this pitch (May 2015), was the world's first example of large scale DL implementation.

In the same year, Harvard Business Review editor Fumio Iwasa published a special issue on artificial intelligence, which was attracting a lot of attention but was in a state of confusion as to what it was. This is my article, which I threw in with my spare time. The comparison of human and Kikai (AI) using the axis of intelligence that I made here is still very much in my mind. FYI

I also mentioned that as of 2015, the industry is divided into the Old economy, which focuses on physical technologies and assets, and the New economy, which focuses on cyber technologies and assets, but that I think the next trend is obvious. Many people may be blinded by the rapid progress of the New economy side, such as GAFA , but a third type of industry (the third force) will appear at once in the unexplored areas that have the strengths of both physical and cyber, and they will renew the world and dominate it. This is the real battlefield, and the future of Japanese industry will depend on whether or not we can compete there.

In fact, many people thought that it would not be so easy for a company to overtake GAFA, but if you look at the market cap (corporate value) ranking, you now see that TESLA, which innovates the real world with its cyber strength, is one of them. It is now at a blindingly large scale, with an enterprise value of around 100 trillion yen (0.8 trillion US dollars).

At this time, I also mentioned that there are three ways in which a third force could emerge. First, from the upper left side of the old economy by taking advantage of existing physical world assets, from the lower right side of the new economy by taking advantage of cyber strengths, or by starting from scratch with a new idea. As I wrote in my book "Shin-Nihon (Japan Resurgence)” from the viewpoint of data x AI, Japan's strength of having many exit-oriented industries, as opposed to entrance-oriented industries such as image recognition, will be put to good use.

This industrial matrix, so to speak, has been loved in its own way since it first appeared, and even Nobuyuki Idei, the former CEO of SONY, who sadly passed away the other day, said to me, "ataka-san, this is it”.

Incidentally, there was a historic timing in the spring of 2017 when General Motors (GM), one of the world's three largest automaker groups (GM, Toyota, and VW), was matched by Tesla in terms of enterprise value. Based on the trend at that time, I was saying in most talk I gave at that time that Toyota, Japan's top company in terms of corporate value, the world's largest corporate value car maker (at that time), and our pride, could be overtaken in a few years at the earliest, but the atmosphere was not quite right.

In reality, however, those familiar with the stock market and asset management are well aware that Toyota was equaled in enterprise value by Tesla on July 1, 2020, and that there is now a fourfold difference between the two.


Many people thought that this was impossible, since the sales volume of Tesla was more than 100 times different from the three major manufacturers at that time. I told people in various places at the time that this was a story of the renewal inherent in the period of industrial innovation that manifested itself in corporate value, that the formula for generating wealth had changed, and that the same story would happen in every industry. After all, all they did was study and not do what they should have done.

Incidentally, as I have summarized in my blog before, so-called DX (digital transformation) means that companies on the old economy side are reborn as cyber companies.

"What is DX (digital transformation) ? -- a my old blog entry

Ultimately, they must be reborn as a third force type of company. The AI-Powered companies, the highest level of AI-ready companies, will be the very third force itself, as outlined in Society 5.0 under Keidanren Chairman Nakanishi and in the AI Strategy under the chairmanship of Dr. Hiroaki Kitano.

(Reference link)
Keidanren Society 5.0 - Creating the Future Together (November 13, 2018)
Keidanren AI Application Strategy - Toward an AI-Ready Society (February 19, 2019)
Keidanren AI-Ready Guideline

I have often been asked what this "third force" is, and to be more specific, it includes not only Tesla and SpaceX, which are now the most popular companies for students graduating from the world's top engineering schools (MIT, Berkeley, Stanford, etc.), but also Uber, Airbnb, Kiva Systems (now amazon robotics), BYD, which is looking to follow Tesla to the top of the EV industry, the largest drone company DJI, and Huawei. SpaceX boasts Starlink, a technology that allows satellite communications networks to support cell phones in a world without a communications grid. It will be remembered that Starlink saved many people in Ukraine during the Russian military invasion of the country.

Netflix, which originally emerged as an attack on Blockbuster, the largest video rental company in the U.S., is a third force, and along with YouTube, TikTok (ByteDance), and Amazon prime, they are creating a world where TV (stations and distribution networks) are no longer needed. In North America and Canada, the Internet surpassed TV in ad revenue in 2013, and Google and Facebook alone will overtake TV in ad revenue by 2020 on a global level. However, the competition in this new video platform is also fierce, with Google's media mainstay YouTube's ad revenue projected to be overtaken by TikTok within a year or two.

Alibaba and Tencent are dramatically transforming themselves into lifestyle portals that support real life, and as those in the industry know, Alipay, WeChat wallet, Baidu map, and others have been in the works for five years, even in their 2017 versions, but the world outside of China (including Japan) is not quite up to speed. This is exactly what has been expected. A third force would emerge from the new economy side.

There is another trend that has emerged in the shadows. This is how to reduce the environmental burden and contribute to a future that enhances sustainability for mankind and the planet. Mere digitalization is meaningless; the question is how much ESG (environment, sustainability, and governance) value can be created by using digitalization. Perhaps this is the core of the new capitalism that Prime Minister Kishida is advocating. Economic growth with lower environmental impact" should be the core of the new capitalism. I would like to share with you a diagram that I have compiled with Hiromichi Mizuno, an external board member of Tesla, Inc.

Recognizing these trends, on the other hand, if you think about it dispassionately, Apple since the iPod is a complete third force. Without "a platform (PF) that includes user UI/UX and enormous digital contents," a smartphone (the invention of the iPhone) is just a black slate. It is also a little-known but important fact that all aluminum used in Apple devices is made using a CO2 emission-free manufacturing process developed with Alcoa. Note that more than 10% of Japan's CO2 emissions come from carbon transported from underground through the use of mineral resources known as "steelmaking.

Anyone who uses the Apple Watch is aware that this is unlike any watch ever made, that it replaces a significant portion of smartphone use, and that it has many appreciated features that smartphones cannot do. This watch can be instantly redesigned as much as you like, can take phone calls as a matter of course, use LINE and paypay, read FB messenger, etc. It can also check the pulse, ECG, and blood oxygen level, and alerts the user when something is wrong, and has already saved the lives of many people, including several of my friends. It is not waterproof to a depth of 50 meters, it usually needs to be recharged every day, and it relies on software or communication to set the watch, which is completely different from the replacement of conventional watches.

What I feel when using the Apple Watch and Tesla is the importance of building in new hardware. It is important to have as few knobs and switches as possible, smooth, snag-free, stable, hard to fall off, and easily repairable in the event of an emergency. Apple has been thoroughly building this on the hardware side as well as providing service care with Apple care. Tesla has also loaded up two fairly large chips of their own, and even if one of them falls down, the car will always keep running, and furthermore, the driver's driving and their self-driving algorithm are being compared, and learning is being continued in both semiconductor chips.

Over the past few years, I have been asked quite a few questions about how companies on the old economy side should stand up to the emerging third force.

From my perspective as a strategist, DX is not the way to go. It is hard for me to say, as the creator of the term "AI-ready," but I have to be honest. It is the same story that Toyota Industries Corporation created Toyota Motor Corporation, Furukawa Electric together with Siemens created Fuji Electric, and Fuji Electric created Fujitsu. It is almost obvious from the fact that even Toyota, the leader of the existing old economy, is in the same situation as described above, but I am very concerned that many companies, ministries, and administrative agencies are not getting the message. They should make as much money as they can from the current model and transfer all the profits to the new digital x low environmental impact direction.

Also, I have been using the term “Denkon-Bussai (Cyber spirit with Material tech) ” for a long time to mean that the third force is real with a cyber mindset. However, considering what has actually happened above, I have come to believe that the current winning strategy is the opposite. In fact, many of the third force companies mentioned above are Denkon-Bussai-oriented companies, but this battle inevitably has a real sense of danger attached to it. The tactile polish that comes from the use of the real thing is also inevitably a bit skewed.

What the old economy, especially the Japanese old economy, needs is “Bukkon-Densai (Material spirit with Cyber tech)”. This is to value real things and technology, and create value from them with a completely new digital x ESG wisdoms. If we think again based on this, much hope will emerge unexpectedly. Japan is a country that has embraced the "Wakon-Yosai" (Japanese spirit with Western tech) , and has grasped the last fruits of the Industrial Revolution before it went cyber. If there is a Japanese spirit for us today, it is surely an overwhelming attachment to things, to the real physical values. I am sure it is not my imagination that we are now being asked how we can create a new world, while keeping these as our treasures.




審議会の面々はかなり錚錚たるもので、その後、経団連の会長になられる日立中西さん、副会長になられるDeNA南場さん、フューチャー金丸さん、IGPIの冨山和彦さん、みずほFG佐藤さん、DLの驚異をいち早くアラートを出してきた東大 松尾豊さん、日テレ 宮島香澄さん、慶應経済 土居丈朗さん、CANVAS 石戸奈々子さんなどなど。今から考えれば恐ろしく濃い面々の会議だった。座長は東大 伊藤元重さん。ちなみにここにある回、スペシャルゲストとしてお越しいただいたソニーCSL北野宏明さん(現 Sony CTO) の本審議会での投げ込みからムーンショット構想もはじまった。



ちなみに、深層学習(deep learning: DL)が目覚ましい成果を出し、それまで機械学習を酷使してきたごく一部の業界的にこれは本物なのかとちょっとした騒ぎになったのが前年の2014年。この投込みをした数ヶ月前(2015年の5月)に出たGoogle Photoが、世界で最初のラージスケールのDL実装例だったのは今となってはhistoryといえる。




この見立てを踏まえれば、産業はハードな技術やアセットを中心としたOld economyと、サイバーな技術やアセットを中心としたNew economyに2015年現在分かれているが、次の流れも明らかに思うという話もした。多くの人はGAFA*1などのNew economyサイドの躍進に目を奪われているかもしれないが、リアルとサイバー両方の強みを持つ未開領域に、第三種人類、第三勢力が一気に現れ、これらが世の中を刷新、席巻していくだろう、そここそが本当の主戦場であり、ここで勝負できるかどうかが僕ら日本の産業の未来を決めるのではないかと。

実際、GAFAを追い抜く企業などそう簡単に現れないと多くの人は思っていたが、今になってmarket cap(企業価値)ランキングを見れば、その一角に当たり前のようにサイバーな強みでリアルを革新するTESLAが入り、現在、企業価値100兆円前後という目を瞠る規模になっている*2

この時、第三勢力の現れ方には3通りあるという話もした。既存のハード的なアセットを生かしてOld economyの左上側から行く、サイバー的な強みを生かしてNew economyの右下から行く、はじめから新しい発想で立ち上げるという形がある、、今のところ、第3パターンが中心に見えるが、Old側からもNew側からも現れてくるだろう、と。拙著シンニホンでも書いたとおりデータ×AIの視点で言えば、画像認識などの入り口側と逆に、多くの出口的な産業を持つ日本の強みが生きるだろうということでもあった。

このいわば産業マトリックスは、登場当初よりそれなりに愛され、先日惜しくも逝去されたQuantum Leap(元SONY CEO)出井伸之さんにも「atakaさん、これだよ」と言っていただいていたりした。

ちなみに、2017年の春、世界の3大自動車メーカーグループ(GMトヨタVW)の一つ、GM(General Motors)がテスラに企業価値で並ばれるという歴史的なタイミングがあった。このときのトレンドから、日本の企業価値トップであり、クルマメーカーとしては世界最大の企業価値を持ち(当時)、そして僕らの誇るトヨタも早ければあと数年で抜かれてもおかしくない、と当時講演を行うたびに言っていたのだが、空気感としてはそれは流石にどうかなという感じだった。しかし、実際には、電池の供給問題やイーロンの問題発言などで少し遅れたが、トヨタはテスラに2020年7月1日に企業価値で並ばれ、いまはもう四倍の差があることは株式市場に詳しい人、資産運用に熱い方ならよくご存知だろう。

安宅和人「シン・ニホン」(NewsPicks 2020)図1-9より


ちなみに、以前も拙ブログ内でまとめたがいわゆるDX(digital transformation)というのはOld economyサイドの企業が、サイバー的な企業に生まれ変わることをいう。



経団連 Society 5.0 -ともに創造する未来-(2018年11月13日)
経団連 AI活用戦略 ~AI-Readyな社会の実現に向けて~ (2019年2月19日)
経団連 AI-ready化ガイドライン

この「第三勢力」とはなにか、とよく聞かれてきたが、具体的にはいま世界のトップエンジニアリングスクール(MIT, Berkeley, Stanfordなど)を出る学生の人気企業トップであるTesla、SpaceXはもちろん、UberAirbnbKiva systems(現 amazon robotics)、テスラに続きEVトップを伺うBYD、ドローン最大手DJI、Huaweiなどがガチでそこに該当する。SpaceXの誇るStarlink、、すなわち衛星通信網が通信グリッドのない世界においても携帯電話を支える技術、、がロシアの軍事侵攻を受けたウクライナの多く方々を救ったことは記憶に新しいだろう。

もともとはBlockbusterという米国最大のレンタルビデオ会社*3のアタッカー企業として現れたNetflixも第三勢力と言って差し支えないだろう。YouTubeTikTok (ByteDance)、Amazon primeとならび、彼らはTV(局と配信網)の要らない世界を生み出しつつある。ちなみに北米カナダにおいてTVの広告収入をインターネット側が追い抜いたのは2013年*4GoogleFacebook単独でも全世界レベルで2020年にTVを広告収入で追い抜いている*5。なお、この新動画PFの中の進化圧のかかった競争も熾烈であり、Googleのメディア面の主力であるYouTubeのその広告収入は1-2年のうちにTikTokに抜かれる予測が出始めている。

そして、Alibaba、Tencentは劇的にリアルの生活を支える生活ポータル化を進めていることは業界の方々ならご存知のとおりだ。Alipay、WeChat wallet、またBaidu mapなどの作り込んできたそれらは5年前の2017年段階バージョンのものでも、Chinaの外の世界(日本を含む)はサービスとして追いついているか微妙だ。Alibabaの社内研究機関であるDAO academyの発表を世界の業界人は固唾を飲んでこの数年見守っている。New economyサイドからも第三勢力が現れるだろうと想定していたとおりといえる。

この影でもう一つ明らかになってきたトレンドがある。それは環境負荷をいかに下げ、いかにsustainability、人類と地球の持続可能性を高める未来に貢献できるのか、という視点だ。単なるデジタルは意味がない、それをテコにどれだけESG (environment, sustainability, and governance) 的な価値を生み出すかということだ。岸田首相の掲げられている新しい資本主義の核心は恐らくここであるべきだろう。環境負荷を下げる経済成長」、、これこそが新しい資本主義の核心であるべきだということだ。以前、テスラの社外取締役である水野弘道氏とまとめた図をここに掲げておきたい。

これらのトレンドを認識した上で、一方、冷静に考えてみると、iPod以降のアップルは完全に第三勢力といえる。「ユーザUI/UXも含めたプラットフォーム(PF)と莫大なdigital contents」のないスマートフォンiPhoneの発明)はただの黒い板だ。またアップルの端末のアルミはすべてアルコアと開発したCO2を排出しない製法で作られていることはあまり知られていない大切な事実だ。なお日本国のCO2排出の1割以上が「製鉄」というアルミ製錬と同じく、鉱物資源の利用に伴い、地下から持ち込まれたカーボン由来であることを付記しておく。

Apple Watchを使っている人なら、これがこれまでの時計とは似ても似つかぬものであること、スマホの利用のかなりの部分を置き換えるものであること、スマホに出来ない数多くの有り難い機能を持つことを日々認識している。このキカイは好きなだけデザインが即座に変えられるのは当然の上、当たり前のように電話がとれ、LINEやpaypayも使え、FB messengerも読める。脈拍はおろか、心電図や血中酸素濃度もわかり、異常な時はアラートを出し、すでに僕の友人数名を含む数多くの人の命を救っている。代わりに水深50メートル防水などはなく、普通は毎日充電が必要、時計合わせもソフトウェアというか通信に依存という、従来型の時計のreplacementとは全く違うものだ*6

このApple WatchやTeslaを使っていて感じるのは、新しいハードとしての作り込みの重要性だ。ノブやスイッチはできるだけ少なく、なめらかで、引っ掛かりのない、そして安定的で、落ちにくく、いざとなった時に簡単に修繕が可能だということが重要だということがわかる。これをAppleApple careでサービスケアするだけでなく、ハードサイドで徹底的に作り込んできている。テスラもかなり大きな独自のチップを2枚積み込み、どちらが落ちても常にランし続け、更に運転手の運転と自分たちの自動走行アルゴリズムを突き合わせ、学習を双方の石(半導体チップ)で続けているという。


長年ストラテジストとして生きてきた立場からするとDXでは間に合わない。はじめから第三勢力的な事業、事業体を作り、それらが成長したら飛び移る必要がある、DXより移住、と随分言い続けてきた。AI-ready化という言葉を生み出した自分が言うのもつらいのだが、正直なところだ。かつて豊田自動織機トヨタ自動車を作り、古河電工ジーメンス富士電機を、また富士電機富士通を作ったのと同じ話だ。それは既存Old economyのトップであるトヨタですら上述のような状態であることを見ればほぼ明らかに思うのだが、多くの企業や省庁、行政機関に伝わっているのかというと甚だ心配だ。現在のモデルで稼げるだけ稼ぎ、その利益をすべて新しいデジタル×低環境負荷の方向に振り込むべきなのだ。







*5:Google and Facebook ad revenue to top TV spend for first time | TechRadar

*6:これからしたたかに学び、サイバーの権化のようなGoogleも気がついたらスマホのみならずGoogle Home, Chromecast、Buds、Watchを含む第三勢力化している


#健全な懐疑心 #Healthy_Skepticism、、これを持つ目と判断力を育てること、それを可能にする一定の教養、また権威にやられない心の強さと勇気を育てることがあらゆる教育(特に高等教育)の究極の目的の一つだと思う。


#Healthy_Skepticism, I think one of the ultimate goals of any education (especially in higher education) is to develop the eyes and judgment to have this, a certain level of liberal arts to make this possible, and the strength of mind and courage to not be beaten by authority.

This is often mistaken for the ability to invent a pretext for a quarrel, but this is different at all, as it simply indicates a lack of education, lack of understanding of context, poor ability to understand complex structures, and a lack of ability to think analytically.


@Manazuru, Kanagawa (Leica M10P, 50/1.4 Summilux ASPH, RAW)


  • 貧困層divide問題、、大学の奨学金もいいが、中高の進学校に入るかどうかの段階で、恵まれない環境にいるだけで多くの才能が実際には弾かれてしまう。都市部であれば中学受験、それ以外であれば高校受験。塾費のサポート、ローカルな面白い人によるメンタリング、outlier的な人材の受け皿になるdual的な場所&学校、、などが必要
  • 貧困層divide問題2、、博士課程については10兆円基金から奨学金が相当量出ることになったのでよかったが、修士課程についてもビジネススクールのようなprofessional school以外についてを優先的にサポート強化すべき。いくら博士課程の学生を守っても、大学院進学段階で才能が弾かれては意味がない(10兆円基金側の議論でもかなり訴えたのですが、投げ込みきれなかったのでこちらでも)
  • Gender parity(男女比同率化)、、、データを以前、男女共同参画学協会連絡会*2の先生方と解析したところ、修士、博士進学段階ではむしろ女子のほうがconversionが高いぐらいであり、社会での女性のrepresentation(社会における女性の代表性)改善のためには、高校 → 学部入学段階におけるgender inbalanceこそが本当の課題。主要大学入学者におけるgender parityを2030年ぐらいを目処に実現すべき。男女のIQ差などはなく、男性が入りやすいadmissionが行われているだけである。更に掘ると中高の進学校に男子校が多い問題にぶち当たるが、高等教育入学段階で補正してしまえばそれで解決する。(米国は1990年代末に実現しており、それでも30年遅れだがやらないよりマシ。人道的に正しいだけでなく、最も金のかからない経済活性化策の一つの可能性が高いと考える。拙著『シン・ニホン』第二章を参照)
  • Double major/Triple major的な人材(= 複数専攻の卒業要件を満たす人)を多く生み出すためには、学部学科別のundergraduate(学部生*3)採用の廃止と、経済や物理など専門ごとのmajor要件の設定が必要。かつて大学の予算確保のために生み出された講座制の軛(くびき)から外れるべきタイミング。ただ、二大professional schoolsである法学・医学が学部から始まっている問題を解決しようとすると暗礁に乗り上げる可能性があり、これらは後回しにして、二段階で解決することも現実解として検討すべき。過渡期においては入り口ではなく大学の出口段階で、こういう素養・専門を持った人を何人という数の管理も(certificate/major要件の設定だけでできるので)ちょっとワイルド案ではあるが検討の価値はある。
  • これからの未来に必要なのはDXというより"SX by digital"*4、、環境負荷を下げる経済成長、これこそが「新しい資本主義」の本質のはず。これらの科目横断的な視野をもたせる教育は中等教育、高等教育で必須にすべき*5
  • リカレント教育、、これは冷静に考えると人生100年時代においては必須だが、問題はこれをガチでやろうとすると会社をやめなくならなくてはならないなどかなり厄介なことが多いこと。5年に半年は自己訓練のためのサバティカルが取れる、週に半日は自己訓練に時間が取れるなどの仕組みを(法の整備を通じ)仕組み的に入れてしまうべき(これらをやっていても叱られない、首にならない仕組みを創る)
  • リカレント教育2、、非常に優秀な人間だが40過ぎて人生100年時代の視点で医学部に行こうと思って、予備校に行ったらあなたの歳で受け入れてくれる医学部など無いと言われた友人がいる。こうやってやる気も、才能も(この人の場合は多少の経済力も)ある人間が生まれ変わるチャンスを失っている。これを考えると、大学の定員は18-20ぐらいのいわゆる青年枠とリカレント枠の二重化を考え実施すべきでは?
  • 数理やデジタル素養以前に未来に対して希望を持ち、未来を変えようと思うひとであるかどうかが大切だが、それは「心のベクトル」というべきもの。これらが育まれるのは通常、大学のはるか以前、小学・中学・せいぜい高校。しかも教室での授業の中というより、そうでない時間が大切。サイエンス愛、数理愛、言葉に対する愛、自分が感じる美、大切にしたいもの、、こういったものをどうやって育むか。
  • 実社会で必要な人材像を考えることはたしかに重要。データサイエンティスト協会でもDS人材については整理中。ただ、日本の今の主要企業を前提とすべきではない。企業はリアルを中心としたオールドエコノミー、デジタル・サイバー空間側のニューエコノミー、リアル世界をデジタルで根底から組み替える第三種人類的なエコノミーの3つがあり、日本に集中しているのはオールドエコノミー側。テスラがエネルギーとモビリティを組み換え、SpaceXやOneWebが通信・配電網を根底から刷新しようとしている時に、日本だけを見ていると見誤る。せめてUSのLinked-inなどでどういう人達が活躍しているのかをみるべき。日本にはほとんどいないタイプの人材が随分といる。








*1:官邸の教育未来創造会議WG(もと慶應義塾 塾長の清家篤座長のもとジーンクエス高橋祥子さん、東工大 益先生、Spiber 関山さんらと参加)



*4:SX = Sustainability tranformation

*5:ここではmentionしなかったがDAO+token economyはこの文脈で「⊿環境負荷/⊿新しい富」がGDP型の富、Market cap型の富と比べても圧倒的に環境負荷の低い富の創出という視点で重要

Thinking from the Manabe's climate model

Summilux 1.4/50 ASPH, Leica M10P @Chinkokuji Temple, Munakata

Last weekend, I participated in the 8th Munakata International Environmental Conference in Munakata City, east of Hakata.

The venue of the conference, Munakata Taisha Shrine, is a special shrine with one of the longest histories in Japan as recorded in Kojiki and Nihonshoki (the oldest chronicles of Japan). The three palaces in a straight line are one huge divine realm. The three palaces are: Okitsuguu, where the entire island is a Shinto shrine and only priests are allowed to enter; Nakatsuguu on Oshima Island; and Hetsuguu on the mainland of Kyushu.

Munakata Taisha Shrine was the place where Admiral Heihachiro Togo, Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Fleet, prayed for victory during the Russo-Japanese War, which put the survival of modern Japan at stake, and it was also the place where Kukai (later Kobo Daishi) first took refuge after returning from Tang China in October 806. Many of you may recall that the main battlefield of the Russo-Japanese War was the Tsushima Strait, near Okinoshima, the island where God resides.

A very wide range of people involved in environmental activities in various fields participated in the event. I was stimulated by the multilayered and three-dimensional nature of the program, but what was particularly impressive was that Mr. Tokutaro Nakai, the vice-minister of the Ministry of the Environment, who participated in the entire program, clearly said, "We only have about 10 years left". What he meant was that the next ten years would determine whether or not the future would be settled within a level that we humans could manage to accept.


I was a member of the Digital Disaster Reduction (D-Disaster Reduction) Future Vision Team, which conducted an intensive study from the end of last year to the end of May under the supervision of Mr. Ryo Akazawa, Vice Minister of the Cabinet Office. The team consisted of disaster prevention experts Koji Ikeuchi of the University of Tokyo, Yuichiro Usuda of the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, Satoko Ohki of Keio SFC, author Tetsuo Takashima, who has written many prophetic works on natural disasters, Hiroaki Kitano of Sony Computer Science Laboratory (CSL), who is in charge of the national AI strategy and is also the head of the Cabinet Secretariat Covid Prediction Team as well as Sony AI, and myself*1.

While there was the D-Disaster Prevention and Social Implementation Team led by Professor Masaru Kitsuregawa of National Institute of Informatics, we, the Future Vision Team, were set up with the mission to think about what the country should really do to prepare for the future by utilizing the power of digital technology, regardless of whether it is possible now. Therefore, the members, while envisioning the largest disasters that could occur in the next 50 years, recognized the need to hastily create a pandemic-ready and disaster-ready society for the increasingly severe epidemics and natural disasters that are expected to occur.

In the past few years, many mysterious large craters with diameters of 25-50 meters have been appearing in the uninhabited permafrost regions, although they are rarely reported in the Japanese media. Needless to say, it is not because of the increasing number of meteorite falls, but because of the explosion of underground methane and other substances caused by global warming. If human efforts are slow and continue at this rate, the Arctic ice will melt within a few decades, accelerating the onset of global warming and pandemics. Cumulonimbus clouds are likely to become more massive than ever, and if the occurrence of linear precipitation belts becomes more frequent, there is a high possibility that damage beyond that of the Atami area will become commonplace. If the predictions of the Ministry of the Environment are correct, typhoons with instantaneous wind speeds of over 70 meters will start to arrive. In that case, not only would many towns and houses be destroyed, but they would have to be rebuilt from the infrastructure level up.

The era of carefree talk about ESG and SDGs is over. Human survival, survival as a human race, will be the most important theme. This is the future that the team needed to envision as an extension of the present, with the mission of envisioning the worst that is realistically possible without using wishful thinking (thinking that ignores probability and wants things to be this way).

I had never met anyone who was as aware of the issues as we were, or even more aware of them, so I had a very strong impression of Mr. Nakai and felt very encouraged by his presence.


As I have participated in this meeting, I have been able to connect various dots, and I think I have finally come to see the whole picture of measures to combat global warming. Here, I would like to share it with our readers.

It is clear from the following chart how rapidly global warming has been progressing.


The first thing we need to understand is how much solar energy that falls on the earth every day is greater than the energy we use. In other words, what is the ratio of solar energy falling on the earth compared to the sum of all of the above?

There is a lot of research on this, but it is not well known to most people. When I asked this question in my university class, even if there were more than 100 people, they basically said no idea. The answer is roughly 7,000 to 10,000.

The answer is roughly 7,000 to 10,000 times.

I can't believe my eyes, can you? We use so many air conditioners and computers, buy so many things, drive so many cars, and even the night landscape of the earth as seen from space is shining brightly.


The next thing I want to share is the climate model by Dr. Shukuro Manabe of Princeton University, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics a few days before this conference. Needless to say, Dr. Manabe won the prize for proposing and clarifying the greenhouse gas effect of CO2.


This is a chart from a historic paper by Dr. Manabe in 1967, which showed that CO2 concentration affects temperature. The results are remarkably consistent with current measurements. (© Johan Jarnestad/The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences ; Press release: The Nobel Prize in Physics 2021 - NobelPrize.org)

Based on this finding, the model proposed by Dr. Manabe is as follows.

(© Johan Jarnestad/The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences ; Press release: The Nobel Prize in Physics 2021 - NobelPrize.org)

In a nutshell, it is a very simple and powerful model that says that a certain percentage of the energy that falls from the sun is stored as heat energy by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. To put it in my own way, the equation is

Heat on Earth = Input - Output

Input = energy coming from the sun x transmittance

Out = Radiation to space × (1- Shielding effect by greenhouse gases)

In principle, radiation to space ≒ input


These two pieces of information together show that although we often talk about saving energy, it is not the amount of energy we consume or the exhaust heat from our activities that is really troublesome, but the fact that the energy that falls on us is not escaping into space at just the right level (that is, the radiation into space is slightly collapsed). Considering that the total amount of radiation is so huge, the difference in balance is very small. The main reason for this discrepancy is greenhouse gases.

In fact, the Nobel Committee's presentation material describes Dr. Manabe as "the first person to explore the interaction between radiation balance and the vertical transport of air masses".


Let's also briefly recap the concept of radiation. As we learned in elementary and junior high school, there are three ways of transferring heat: convection, conduction, and radiation. Convection is easy to understand, as we experience it every day in our rooms and bathrooms. It is a phenomenon in which warm air and water are transported in a flow where their density decreases and they go upward, while cold ones go downward. Conduction is also something that we experience every day. If you touch a cold object, heat is transferred from you to it, and if you hold a warm person's hand, that person's heat is transferred to your hand.

Only radiation may be hard to understand, but this is the same thing that makes you warm when you are facing the stove, even though you are away from it. This is also the same thing that makes you feel warm when you are facing the sun, which is more than 8 minutes away, even at the speed of light. This is because energy is carried in the form of electromagnetic waves (light), and some of it is converted into heat when it hits.

There is a wide range of greenhouse gases such as CO2, CH4, and CFCs. Of these, CO2 has only a few tenths of the greenhouse effect of CH4 and only a few thousandths of that of CFCs per volume, but it plays a particularly large role among the greenhouse gases because of the large volume of emissions by humans.


Based on this understanding, the following is a summary of the spread of efforts needed to curb global warming.


  1. Stop using C in the ground
  2. Reduce the generation of CH4 and other strong greenhouse gases from the earth's surface.
  3. Reduce direct intake of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.
  4. Increase reflection and radiation (albedo)
  5. Reduce direct intake of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

Let's look at them one by one.


(1) Stop using C in the ground

When it comes to curbing global warming, most people think of (1)-i, curbing the use of fossil fuels, which is fair if you look at the following.


This is because most of the human-derived CO2 (which would not increase without humans) comes from fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are the result of the conversion of solar energy into chemically bonded energy that has been stored underground for hundreds of millions of years, and we burn them at a very high rate every day, extracting large amounts of energy and producing large amounts of CO2.

This is the background to the argument for promoting biofuels*2. This is because plants grow on the basis of the CO2 that was originally in the ground, and then burn it, so CO2 will almost never increase (as long as we plant the next plant).

There is also a considerable amount of CO2 generated from the use of mineral resources such as cement. For example, it is estimated that about 6-8% of human-derived CO2 comes from the production of cement. Most of the so-called hard buildings and civil engineering around us depend on cement, and

Limestone (CaCO3) + heat over 900°C → raw cement (CaO) + CO2

The reason is that we exhale almost half of the weight of limestone (100 -> 56+44 in terms of equation) and use fossil fuels (including power generation) in many cases to generate heat.

Likewise, when we use bauxite underground to obtain aluminum*3, or iron ore to obtain iron, a fair amount of it is spit out (depending on the quality of the electricity and the method of refining). However, there is news that Apple, a company that loves machined aluminum bodies, is converting to a process that does not produce CO2 (but emits O2) with Alcoa, so there is still hope.

In general, most of the C (carbon) is pumped out of the ground for the burning of fossil fuels and the production of cement and metals, and a large amount of CO2 is produced. It is hoped that the amount of carbon brought in from underground, not only from fossil fuels, will be as close to zero as possible.

Incidentally, the breakdown of CO2 emissions from fossil fuels (①-i) in Japan at present is as follows.


Excluding "other sectors (over 10%)" in order of frequency

  1. Electric power (about 40%)
  2. Combustion in other industries (about 20%)
  3. Transportation (less than 20%)
  4. Buildings (about 10%)

The easiest way to reduce CO2 emissions from the power generation side, which is the largest factor, is to eliminate CO2 emissions from power generation. This includes saving electricity since the source of electricity still depends on fossil fuels (which will become unnecessary if we can completely eliminate CO2 emissions).

CO2 emissions from energy production = Σ (amount of energy × CO2 production/energy produced)

The figure in parentheses changes depending on how the energy is produced. Of course, natural energy (hydro, solar, wind, geothermal, etc.) and nuclear energy are close to zero.

It should be noted, however, that not only does solar power not work at night, but also the supply of many renewables is uneven, as a few millimeters of snow can reduce the amount of power generated to almost zero, making it difficult to achieve a stable supply (no blackout) for power distribution.

While electric vehicle batteries can be used to store and utilize electricity at the household level, the only reliable way to store electricity on a large scale, such as on a city scale, is through "potential energy conversion" (potential energy depends on the scale, but in the case of hydropower, more than 90% can be converted to electricity if designed well). In the future, we will probably see the development of energy storage methods such as moving large amounts of water or heavy objects (such as iron sand) up and down tall buildings.

One of the fastest growing trends is to replace the internal combustion engine (ICE) as the power source with an electric motor, but do you know why?


Internal combustion engine engines have a conversion efficiency of 40-45% at the highest level, but as you can see from the diagram above, for a means of transportation like a car, the actual efficiency is less than 20%, and most of the energy produced is dissipated as heat. In other words, about five times the amount of CO2 is emitted when all the energy is converted into propulsion. On the other hand, with electric motors, more than 90% of the input is converted into propulsion energy. This is a half-physical limit, and as long as there is such a difference, it is inevitable that gasoline-powered cars will be replaced by electric cars, just as trains were replaced by electric cars in the past.

This is the background to the argument that regardless of the percentage of electricity generated by thermal power plants, it is better to switch to electric vehicles whenever possible in terms of necessary power (output) and energy capacity. Incidentally, in large cities such as Shanghai, China, all buses and scooters were converted to electric vehicles 3-4 years ago. (Especially in sparsely populated areas where it is difficult to maintain gas stations, all other means of transportation will soon disappear, and gas station operators will be required to transform themselves into businesses with chargers everywhere.)

In addition, I have recently heard of the idea of using electricity to make hydrogen H2 to run internal combustion engines. Although this has the advantage of the strong power of an internal combustion engine and does not produce CO2, it is not energy efficient because most of the input (the energy produced by the combustion of hydrogen) is still dissipated as heat. This would be fine if all the electricity used to produce the hydrogen came from renewable sources, but there is no denying that there is a great deal of waste.

Even gas stations in urban areas are rapidly dwindling, and it is unlikely that there will be hydrogen stations everywhere, even in Japan.

The issue of energy capacity is extremely important. Even if a motor has five times the energy conversion efficiency of an internal combustion engine, it would have to carry about seven times as many batteries as a tank of gasoline to generate the same driving distance. Incidentally, long-haul trucks are generally designed to run more than 1,000 kilometers on a single refueling.

Of the transportation applications, tankers and airplanes will probably be the last ones to use fossil fuels in terms of the amount of power and energy capacity required. However, in the case of tankers, there is an almost ignored trick to turn them into nuclear-powered ships, which would allow them to keep running for many years.

Airplanes currently fly with 20-40% of their weight in fuel, but the energy density of fossil fuels and batteries is so different that it is impossible to carry the necessary energy in batteries (they are too heavy to fly). It will also take some time to be able to produce enough homogeneous biofuel for airplanes that will carry the lives of many people (and to bring the price down to an economically reasonable level). We will probably have to give up on this for a while, and offset it with approaches from (3) onward.

(2) Suppressing the generation of CH4 and other strong greenhouse gases from the earth's surface

This is an issue represented by the cow burping problem that is often mentioned these days.

Originally, C contained in the air and grasses on the earth's surface is not a big problem because it is circulating even if it is emitted as CO2. However, when the C is converted to a gas with a greenhouse effect tens of times greater than CO2, such as CH4 (methane), it begins to cause visible harm. This can be cut down considerably when vegetarian-based meat and cultured meat become cheaper. There is no denying the possibility that one day individual meat (the meat we eat now) will become a luxury that we can eat only once a month.

The same can be said of the case where, as a result of human activities, parts of the swamp begin to decay and CH4, not CO2, starts to spew out (②-ii). If the impact is large enough, we will need to take engineering measures and guidelines for creating green infrastructure and other spaces.

(3) Direct capture and reduction of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere

This means directly capturing CO2, CH4, CFCs, etc. from the air. This includes not only the byproduct effects of tree planting campaigns*9 but also Direct air carbon capture (DACC) or artificial photosynthesis, a technology being researched by RIKEN and others. Although there is talk about the inefficiency of DACC and artificial photosynthesis technologies, it is presumed that a large part of the progress will be made through technological innovation. Rather, the challenge for this approach is how to scale it up.

On a global scale, we human beings emit 51 gigatons (51 billion tons) of CO2 per year (the normal value before Covid), and even if we confine our emissions to Japan, if we assume that our emissions account for 5% of the world's GDP, we would be emitting 2.5 gigatons. It is almost certain that a lot of ingenuity will be required to capture even 1% of these emissions, whether at the emission stage or at the stage of targeting those scattered in the air.

(4) Increase reflection and radiation (albedo)

This is a critically important element in the Manabe model, but one that has not been sufficiently addressed.

Heat on earth = (energy coming down from the sun × transmittance) - {radiation to space × (1- shielding effect by greenhouse gases)}

The study that I have been conducting with dozens of volunteers and members of the Keio SFC Ataka Lab, with the aim of creating alternatives to the urban-intensive society, includes quite senior members of related major government functions. Immediately after returning from Munakata, I mentioned this to the energy study team and was told that this was indeed not a major consideration at the global level or in Japan until now.

The word "albedo" is familiar to readers of my book "Shin Nihon", but I think it is unfamiliar to many people. In a nutshell, it is the ratio of reflected light to incident light from the outside of a celestial body. It can also be translated as "reflectance," but the point here is that it is not necessarily reflection, as described later, so I will refer to it as albedo.


Thus, fresh snow reflects more than 80% of the sunlight. In the case of soil, 90% is absorbed.

In Tokyo, 22% of the city is covered with roads, most of which are asphalt and black. As you can see above, about 90% of the sunlight is absorbed, and changing this albedo is of great value. The same is true for the rooftops and walls of buildings and the roofs of houses and cars.

However, roads only account for about 3% of Japan's total land area (according to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's Current Status of Land Use), so it is important to consider what to do with the overwhelmingly large forest area and how to deal with albedo in territorial waters, while not destroying the ecosystem. This is an area where there is considerable room for innovation.


From the data above, it can be estimated that thinning many of the man-made forests that are no longer absorbing CO2 but have been neglected and planting new young trees will improve albedo and activate CO2 absorption. In the case of Japan, 70% of the planted forests are single-storied cedar or cypress forests, which are not suitable for making paper. However, thinned wood can be used as a raw material for plywood and cross-laminated timbers (CLT), as biofuel (including firewood), and as a road strengthening agent for unpaved roads.

There is a start-up company called Radicool that is doing something very interesting from this perspective. The company, chaired by Akira Matsumoto, is developing and selling a Radicool material that converts incoming light into infrared light and radiates it back. When this material is applied, greenhouses, which would normally be a scorching hell, can be kept at an appropriate temperature, and if it is applied to windows, it will keep them cool in the summer, and in the winter it will reflect and radiate heating inside, making it more effective than mirror film. Incidentally, when the same wavelength as the incoming light is bounced back, it is called "reflection," and when blue is bounced back at a longer wavelength, such as green, it is called "fluorescence." In the case of RADICOOL, it is an extremely interesting material that bounces back at a longer wavelength than fluorescent materials.

In the future, I hope that various materials and technologies with albedo control capabilities will be developed, and that the world's first legislation for albedo control will be enacted. I think there is a possibility that this will become a very large market.

In addition to albedo itself, there is another important mission that has not yet been tackled in terms of radiation balance. This is the acceleration of the radiation of heat accumulated in the oceans to space, which I showed you at the beginning of this article. Water is about 800 times denser than air and has four times the specific heat of air, so it stores much of the heat that cannot escape into space. As a result of this increase in sea surface temperature, updrafts are more likely to occur, increasing the probability of cumulonimbus clouds and typhoons. Taiwan is known to be hit by more intense rainstorms than Japan at times, and this is largely due to the difference in sea surface temperature of about 2 degrees Celsius. On the other hand, in the Sea of Japan alone, the sea surface temperature has risen by more than 1.7 degrees Celsius over the past 100 years. If we can find a way to increase this radiation to space, it will directly lead to the curbing of natural disasters and will be a big step forward for the earth and humanity.

(5) Reduce input

This is the first step in terms of the energy balance of the planet, and if we can cut it down appropriately here, we can say that the global warming problem is halfway over.

Heat on earth = (energy coming down from the sun × transmittance) - {radiation to space × (1- shielding effect by greenhouse gases)}

The energy coming down from the sun itself is virtually uncontrollable because it requires manipulation of the sun itself or control of the distance between the sun and the earth. This is because about 10% of the earth's surface is covered by clouds, and if the clouds were slightly thicker or slightly larger, the amount of energy reaching the earth's surface could be optimized. However, it is quite difficult to determine how much is appropriate, and just like the brakes on a car, it is necessary to be able to control them at will. We have to face the fact that human beings have been suffering from famine and starvation due to cold rather than global warming.

It has been a long time since there has been any research on the creation or removal of clouds, although it is not that major. These 3), 4), and 5) are in the realm of what is scientifically called geo-engineering, but as a potential endeavor, it is highly worthwhile to further research on them as humanity's ultimate weapon, while doing as much as possible in (1) and (2).


Finally, a few things to keep in mind.

First, the manipulation of albedo and sunlight transmittance is quite powerful medicine.

Once the snow melts, the albedo drops rapidly, and because of the positive feedback, the snow tends to melt at once. This is called ice-albedo feedback. As a result, during a very short period of time during the ice age, the temperature rose rapidly by about 10 degrees Celsius, and when it started to freeze again, the temperature cooled rapidly again because of the downward feedback. This is probably why Homo sapiens was always on the verge of extinction until a few thousand years ago, when the temperature stabilized. Therefore, we must make sure that our efforts are sensitive, controllable and reversible. This is the same way that braking performance is more important than anything else in driving a car.


Also, there are those who casually say that if we can no longer live on Earth, why don't we move to Mars or the Moon?

I'd like to believe it's a joke, but I'll briefly mention that these planets are not habitable for humans or any other life on earth that could be used as food. It is inevitable that transporting a single person to Mars would incur a tremendous amount of money and environmental burden, including technological development.

In addition, if the destination is Mars, it is estimated that the amount of radiation exposure from the spacecraft would be enormous, and even if we could move there without getting sick, it would probably be difficult to survive there for a long time. In other words, it is unlikely that these neighboring planets will become Noah's ark for the entire human race. And we only have about 20~30 years left to change the future.

In reality, we only have the Earth. How we can protect this planet with care and coexist with it will be one of the greatest challenges for humanity for the foreseeable future.

ps. I would like to add that this is based on my current understanding and may change as discoveries and understanding progress.

(This is an English translation of the original entry below, written in Japanese. )

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

*1:I am not an expert in disaster management at all, but I am relatively familiar with the situation in the world of data x AI, and as a long-time strategist with a strong awareness of the issues related to future disasters, I was asked by Vice Minister Akazawa to chair this team.

*2:Biomass ethanol, biogas, biocoke, greenbug fuel, and others. Wood pellets and firewood are also considered to be of this type.

*3:As of 2018, 53% of Japan's aluminum production is recycled, so production from natural raw materials is less than half of the total requirement


Summilux 1.4/50 ASPH, Leica M10P @Chinkokuji Temple, Munakata

先週末、博多の東、宗像市にて第8回 宗像国際環境会議に参加した。


なお宗像大社は近代日本の存続をかけた日露戦争の際に、連合艦隊司令長官 東郷平八郎提督が必勝祈願をした場所であり、大同元年(806年)10月、唐より戻った空海(のちの弘法大師)がまず身を寄せた場所でもある。日露海戦の主戦場は対馬海峡神宿る島、沖ノ島近くの海域だったことを思い起こされる人も多いだろう。


実は内閣府赤澤亮正副大臣の元、昨年末から5月末まで、デジタル防災(D防災)未来構想チームの一員として集中的な検討を行った。メンバーは東大 池内幸司先生、防災科研 臼田裕一郎先生、慶應SFC 大木聖子先生という防災の専門家、数々の予言的な天災作品を著されてきた作家の高嶋哲夫先生、そして国のAI戦略を担い、内閣官房Covid予測チーム、またSony AIのヘッドでもあるSony CSLの北野宏明先生に加えて自分という専門性とワイルドな組み合わせが実に興味深いチームだった。*1

NII*2/東大 喜連川優先生が率いられるD防災 社会実装チームがある一方で、我々未来構想チームが立てられたが、これは今できるかどうかはともかくとして、国として本当のところデジタルの力を生かして用意しておくべきことをちゃんと考えてほしいというミッションを受けたと我々は理解した。そのため、D防災未来構想メンバーは、今後50年間に起きうる最大級の災害を想定しつつ、Covid19到来の意味合いとして、ますます激しくなる疫病・天災社会に向け、pandemic-readyかつdisaster-readyな社会を相当急いで作る必要があるという認識で検討を行った。


それだけの規模の台風が来た場合、田畑は一発でやられる蓋然性は否定できず、食糧生産をビル内に移さなければ、食糧入手は極めて深刻な国家安全保障的なテーマになる可能性がある。ESG、SDGsとのんきなことをいっていられる時代は終わる。ヒューマンサバイバル、人類としての生き残り、こそが最大のテーマになるだろう。これがWishful thinking(蓋然性を無視したこうであってほしい思考)によらず、現実的に考えうる最悪を想定するミッションを持つD防災 未来構想チームが現在の延長で想定する必要があった未来だ。






安宅和人 『シンニホン』(NewsPicks 2020)第六章より


これについては様々な研究があるがどうもほとんどの人に知られていない。自分の大学のクラスで聞いても100人以上いても基本no ideaというところだ。同程度、数倍という人もいれば数十倍という人もいる。





これが起点になった真鍋先生によるCO2濃度が気温に影響を与えることを示した1967年の歴史的論文からの図表。現在の計測値とも驚くほど合致している。(© Johan Jarnestad/The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Press release: The Nobel Prize in Physics 2021 - NobelPrize.org


(© Johan Jarnestad/The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Press release: The Nobel Prize in Physics 2021 - NobelPrize.org


地球上の熱 = 入 - 出

入=太陽から降り注ぐエネルギー × 透過率

出= 宇宙への放射 × (1- 温室効果ガスによる遮蔽効果)

ちなみに原則 宇宙への放射≒入



この2つの情報を合わせてわかることは、よく省エネ省エネと言っているが、本当にやっかいなのは我々のエネルギー消費量や我々の活動による排熱そのものではなく、降り注ぐエネルギーがちょうどいい塩梅で宇宙に逃げていかなくなっていること(つまり「宇宙への放射≒入 」が微妙に崩れていること)であることがわかる。降り注いでいる総量がそこまで巨大なことを考えればバランスの違いと言っても実に少しのものだ。このズレの大きな理由が温室効果ガスだ。

実際、Nobelコミッティーの発表資料には、真鍋先生を「放射バランスと空気塊の垂直移動の相互作用を研究した最初の人物(the first person to explore the interaction between radiation balance and the vertical transport of air masses)」と解説されている。






① 地下のCを使うのをやめる
② 地表からCH4他の強い温室効果ガス発生を抑制する
③ 大気中の温室効果ガスを直接取り込み減らす
④ 反射・放射(albedo)を増やす
⑤ 入を減らす



① 地下のCを使うのをやめる


安宅和人 『シンニホン』(NewsPicks 2020)第六章より




石灰石(CaCO3) + 900度以上の熱 → 生セメント(CaO) + CO2






安宅和人 『シンニホン』(NewsPicks 2020)第六章より


  1. 電力(約4割)
  2. その他の産業での燃焼(約2割)
  3. 交通輸送(2割弱)
  4. 建物(約1割)



エネルギー産生に伴うCO2排出 = Σ(エネルギー量 × CO2産生/産生エネルギー)

( )内はどのようにそのエネルギーが生み出されているかで変わる。当然のことながら自然エネルギー(水力、太陽光、風力、地熱ほか)や原子力は限りなくゼロに近い。

ただし、ソーラーは夜動かないだけでなく、数ミリ雪がつもるだけで発電量がほぼゼロになるなど、自然エネルギーの多くは供給にムラがあり、配電の安定供給(No Black out)には程遠い課題があることは相当に留意が必要だ。


現在急速に進んでいるのが、動力源として内燃機関(いわゆる内燃エンジン: internal combustion engine [ICE])を電気モーターに変えようというものだが、これはなぜだかわかるだろうか?



なお、一度、電力で水素 H2を作って内燃機関にかけるというアイデアを最近耳にする。これは内燃機関の持つ強いパワー創出力があり、CO2は出ない良さを持つものの、変わらず入力(水素の燃焼によって生み出されるエネルギー)の大半が熱として散逸するので、エネルギー効率は悪い。水素を生み出すための電力が全て自然エネルギーであればそれでもよいのだが、無駄が大きいことは否定できない。






② 地表からCH4他の強い温暖化ガス発生を抑制する





③ 大気中の温室効果ガスを直接取り込み減らす

直接空気からCO2、CH4、フロンなどを回収するということだ。植樹運動による副産物的効果だけでなく*12、Direct air carbon capture (DACC) もしくは、理化学研究所などで研究が進む人工光合成と呼ばれる技術もこれに入る。海中深くにCO2を溶け込ませてしまうこともこれの一部と言える。DACCや人工光合成技術の効率がイマイチという話はあるが、これらは技術革新で進む部分が大きいと推定される。むしろこのアプローチの課題はどのように規模をスケールするかだ。


(参考)Ajay Gambhir, Massimo Tavoni,
Direct Air Carbon Capture and Sequestration: How It Works and How It Could Contribute to Climate-Change Mitigation,
One Earth, Volume 1, Issue 4, 2019,Pages 405-409,


④ 反射・放射(albedo)を増やす


地球上の熱 =(太陽から降り注ぐエネルギー × 透過率) - {宇宙への放射 × (1- 温室効果ガスによる遮蔽効果) }





ただ日本全国で見ると道の面積は3%程度であり(国土交通省 国土利用の現状による)、むしろエコシステム(生態系)を破壊しないようにしつつも、圧倒的に大きい森林面積をどうするか、また領海におけるアルベドをどう考えるかが大切になる。相当のイノベーション余地のある領域と言えるだろう。




加えて、アルベドそのものではないが、放射バランス(radiation balance)という意味でもう一つ手のつけられていない重要なミッションがある。それは冒頭にお見せした、海洋に溜まった熱の宇宙への放射の加速だ。水は密度が空気の約800倍、空気の4倍の比熱を持ち、宇宙に逃げられなかった熱の多くを蓄えている。この海面温度の上昇の結果、上昇気流が発生しやすくなり、積乱雲、台風の発生確率を上げる。台湾は日本よりも激烈な猛雨が時たま襲うことで知られるがその理由は海面温度が約2度違うことが大きいとされる。一方、日本海だけをとってみても、過去100年間に1.7度以上も海面温度が上がっている。この宇宙への放射を高める方法が見いだせれば天災抑制に直接繋がり、地球、人類にとって大きな一歩となるだろう。


⑤ 入を減らす


地球上の熱 =(太陽から降り注ぐエネルギー × 透過率) - {宇宙への放射 × (1- 温室効果ガスによる遮蔽効果) }


それほどメジャーなわけではないが、雲を生み出す、消し去るというような研究は行われるようになって久しい。この③④⑤はサイエンス的にはジオエンジニアリング(Geo-engineering)と呼ばれる領域だが、十分に可能性のある試みとして、①②をできる限りやりつつも、人類の持つ最終兵器的に研究を更に進める価値は高い。(参考:Harvard's Solar Geoengineering Research Program




一度雪が溶けるとアルベドが急激に下がり、正のフィードバックが働くため一気に雪は溶けていく傾向がある。これをice-albedo feedbackという。その結果、氷河期の間、本当に僅かな期間に急激に温度がおそらく10度程度上昇し、また凍りだすと同じく、下がる方のフィードバックが働くためにまた急激に温度が冷えていくことを数10回この星は繰り返した。気温が安定する1万数千年前まで、ホモサピエンスは常に絶滅しかかっていたのはおそらくこのためだ。なので取り組みは必ず繊細なコントロール可能かつreversibleにしておく必要がある。クルマの運転においてなによりもブレーキ性能が重要なのと同じだ。

安宅和人 『シンニホン』(NewsPicks 2020)第六章より




ps. これは現時点での私の理解に基づくものであり、今後の発見、理解の進展に伴い、変わる可能性があることを付け加えておく。

ps2. 本エントリの英語版を作りました(10/19朝)。適宜展開などにご活用ください。




2020年2月に出版した拙著。上に図表の一部を掲載したとおり、関連する議論を相当量行っているので、興味のある方には第六章だけでもご覧頂ければと思う。紙版だけでなく、Kindle / Audible版のいずれもある。





*2:国立情報学研究所 / National Institute of Informatics 所長は喜連川先生

*3:The mystery of Siberia’s exploding craters - BBC Future





*8:2018年現在 日本のアルミ生産の53%がリサイクルなので、天然原料からの生産は総必要量の半分弱







*15:Cross Laminated Timber(JASでは直交集成板)